Research Board

About the Research Board

  • The Research Board of the Faculty is autonomous academic authority within the Faculty. They inform members of the academic community of the Faculty about their activities so that the members‘ opinions on any presented documents and crucial arrangements can be taken into account. Members of the academic community are also invited to put forward their own suggestions concerning the work of the authorities.

  • Meetings of the Research Board are open to the public. The Research Board can – with the Dean's permission – decide that all or part of its meeting will be closed to the public if there is chance that public would endanger personal law of an individual or important interest of the Faculty.

  • Dean appoints and dismisses the members of Research Board. The Dean’s decision to appoint or dismiss a member of Research Board is subject to approval by the Academic Senate. The Dean can appoint an important scientist as an honorary member, for this they must have gained significant recognition by the Faculty. Honorary members can take part in meetings but cannot vote. Before appointing a new honorary member, the Dean asks for opinion of the Academic Senate. At least one third of all members of Research Board must be persons who are not academic employees of Charles University (outside of academic community of the University).

  • The Dean is chairman of Research Board. And meetings of Research Board are presided over by chairman or Vice-dean who are commissioned by the Dean.

  • Meetings of the Research Board are convened by dean or commissioned by the Vice-dean. The Research Board achieves a quorum when at least more than half of all members are present at the meeting. Part of the meeting involves approving the programme or agenda of the meeting and any minutes from the last meeting of the Council. During discussions each member and honorary member has right to express the opinion towards the affair on the agenda. If the Research Board allows, guests can take part in discussions. If there is a written standpoint of an absent member, it must be read. The Research Board passes its decisions it forms a resolution.

  • The Research Board meets when necessary, but at least two times a year. If at least one third of all members ask for a meeting, one must be call together within two weeks.

  • Only members present in meetings have right to vote. To pass a proposal it is necessary to have more than a half of the members present. This is not valid when voting on proposals to appoint docents and professors. Voting is carried out according to §72 par. 10 and §74 par. 6, this law concerning Universities is obligatorily and voting is in the form of secret ballot. In other cases, there can also be a secret ballot when the Research Board decides so. Meetings of the Research Board can also – in certain cases – take place per rollam, i. e. in a correspondent format.

  • From every meeting of Research Board minutes must be published within ten days. Minutes are sent (also in electronic form) to members of the Research Board, to the president of Academic Senate, to all Vice-deans of the Faculty, and are published on the Faculty website.

Minutes from meetings of the Research Board of Faculty of Humanities

Minutes of meetings can be found (only in Czech) here.

Members of the Research Board of the Faculty of Humanities

Listed members of the Research Board of the Faculty of Humanities were appointed by the Academic senate of the Faculty of Humanities on 14 of September 2023.

Regular members (27 members):

Internal members with the right to vote (15 members)

doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.

(FHS UK – dean)

doc. Monika Bosá, Ph.D.


prof. Dr. phil. Pavel Himl


doc. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D.  


doc. PhDr. Jan Horský, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Petr Janeček, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Zuzana Jurková, Ph.D.


doc. Dr. phil. Rudolf Kučera, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. jitka Malečková, Ph. D.


prof. PhDr. Zdeněk R. Nešpor, Ph.D.


prof. Karel Novotný, M.A. Ph.D., DSc.


doc. PhDr.Tereza Pospíšilová, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Marek Skovajsa, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Lucie Storchová, Ph.D.


prof. PhDr. Stanislav Štech, CSc.

(PedF UK)

External members with the right to vote (12 members)

doc. Ondřej Beran, Ph.D.


prof. PhDr. Alexandra Bitušíková, Ph.D.


prof. PhDr. Michaela Hrubá, Ph.D.


prof. Mgr. Soňa Kalenda, Ph.D.


prof. PhDr. Karel B. Müller, Ph.D.  


prof. PhDr. Tomáš Nejeschleba, Ph.D.


doc. Mgr. Martin Nitsche, Ph.D.


prof. Dr. Libora Oates - Indruchová, Ph.D.


doc. Dr. phil. Jakub Sirovátka


Mgr. Daniel Sosna, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Csaba Szaló, Ph.D.


doc. Eva Šlessingerová, Ph.D.


Last change: February 3, 2025 13:13 
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