Mgr. et Mgr. Markéta Zandlová, Ph.D.

Research Areas

Markéta Zandlová, Ph.D., is a social anthropologist. She has long been devoted to the anthropology of borders and the process of social identity construction, especially ethnic identities (monograph Zandlová, M. 2015. The Aromo in Bulgaria. Prague: FHS UK). In recent years, in addition to methodological issues of ethnographic research, she has focused on the social aspects of climate change, which she has explored through discourses and practices associated with increasing drought in the Czech Republic. In her studies, she combines contemporary concepts of environmental anthropology with the analysis of knowledge distribution and infrastructural networks.

She is currently the principal researcher of the interdisciplinary applied project Stories of Drought: Local Contexts of Extreme Climate Phenomena, Their Perception and the Willingness of Actors to Participate (

In 2021 she was elected Chair of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA); she is a founding member of the EASA Environment and Anthropology network and a member of the Academic Senate of FHS UK.

  • Anthropology of climate change

  • Identity studies

  • Border studies

  • Urban anthropology

  • Applied anthropology

  • Qualitative methodology and research ethics


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  • 2015: PhD. in Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Ethnic mobilization and identity politics: Aromanians in Bulgaria)

  • 2006: M.A. in General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University .

  • 2005: M.A. in Theory of Culture, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

  • 2003: B.A. in Liberal Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University


  • 2019–present: researcher, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

  • 2009 – present: assistant professor, Department of General Anthropology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Work Experience

  • 2021 – present: consultations on climate communication, NGO People in Need o.p.s.

  • 2021 – 2022: President of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA)

  • 2014 – 2020: member of the editorial board, Biograf

  • 2016 – 2017: member of the editorial board, Český lid / Czech Ethnological Journal

  • popularization of science:

Research Projects

  • 2019 – 2022: principal researcher; Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, „Stories of Drought: Local implications of extreme climate phenomena, their perception and actors‘ will to participate“ (TAČR TL02000048),

  • 2017 – 2019 – principal researcher of a sub-team; Specific University Research Project, „Social Processes in Urban Environment“, (SVV 260 470, Glokalizovaný svět a jeho místa)

  • 2017: principal researcher; Progres Programme of the Charles University, project „České sucho", Progres Q22_206022_28

  • 2009: researcher; project „Analysis of periodicals ublished by national minorities organizations in the Czech Republic"; Government Council for National Minorities; realization: Media Center 007

  • 2008: researcher; project „Czech Republic - Opportunities for Improving Roma Employment“; Office of the Czech Government and the World Bank; realization: Institute of Ethnology AS CR, v.v.i.

  • 2007: researcher, "Aromanians in Bulgaria - networks and contexts", GAUK programme 7601/2007

  • 2006: researcher, „Criminality structures in socially excluded localities in Brno"; Department of Security Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic; realization: CAAT at the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen

  • 2006: researcher, „Analysis of socially excluded Roma localities in the Czech Republic and absorption capacity of entities involved in this field", Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic; realization: GAC spol.s.r.o.

Selected publications

Zandlová, M., Čada, K. 2023. Ethnographer as honest broker: the role of ethnography in promoting deliberation in local climate policies. Critical Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2023.2258174<>

Zandlová, M., Skokanová, H. & Trnka, M. 2023. Landscape Change Scenarios: Developing Participatory Tools for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change. Environmental Management 72, 631–656 (2023).

Zandlová, M., Skokanová, H. 2023. Voda a sucho v perspektivě sociálních věd. Sborník příspěvků 15. bienální konference Asociace pro vodu ČR, str. 12-21. ISBN 978-80-908629-3-7

Zandlová, M. 2020. Etika výzkumu. In: Novotná, H.; Špaček, O.; Šťovíčková Jantulová, M. (eds). Metody výzkumu ve společenských vědách, Praha, Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií. S. 57-90

Zandlová, M. 2020. Rozhovor. In: Novotná, H.; Špaček, O.; Šťovíčková Jantulová, M. (eds). Metody výzkumu ve společenských vědách, Praha, Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií. S. 315-352

Zandlová, M. 2015. Etnická mobilizace a politiky identit. Aromuni v Bulharsku. Praha: FHS UK (Charles University Monographs Competition Award)

Vaňková, M. 2012. Bulgarian Aromanian elites and identity politics in cross-border networks. In: Nowicka, E. (ed): The Politics of Culture. Perspectives in stateless nationalities/ethnic groups. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa. S. 45 – 56

Vaňková, M. 2010. Výzkumník lapený: Úvahy k (a)symetrii vztahů mezi výzkumníkem a zkoumaným. Biograf (52-53): 103 – 118

Vaňková, M. 2010. Město Moskopole v paměti bulharských Aromunů. Mýtus, paměť, identity. In: Soukupová, B., Novotná, H., Jurková, Z., Stawarz, A.: Evropské město. Identita, symbol, mýtus. Bratislava: Zing Print. S. 227-246

Last change: November 13, 2023 10:40 
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