Summer Schools

Students of Charles University have the opportunity to attend a wide range of summer (and sometimes winter) schools. These are typically short-term study trips focused on a specialized topic, often accompanied by an intensive lecture series, workshops, and/or group presentations.

International summer schools are administered by the organizing universities or institutions, so there is no selection process at the faculty. However, foreign universities or institutions may require confirmation/nomination/recommendation from the International Office of the home university. In such cases, you must request the issuance of such a document from the FHS International Office well in advance (we recommend at least 20 working days) and provide all the necessary documentation—if you need this document, please contact us.

Our International Office receives various invitations to summer schools abroad. The updated offer can be found here (on our Czech website, but most of the information is in English). This list is not exhaustive, and you can find more offers for summer schools on the Summer Schools in Europe portal, the Charles Abroad portal (only in Czech), or directly on the websites of the foreign universities you are interested in.

Within Charles University, financial support for summer schools can be requested through the POINT CU programme (Support for Internationalization of Charles University). In some cases, universities offer tuition fee reduction if you are from a partner university.

Most summer school invitations usually start appearing between February and May.

Last change: September 25, 2024 13:43 
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