• Kalendář akcí

Kalendář akcí

Konference: Turkish Migration Conference: Economics, Identities, and Geographies

Turkish Migration Conference: Economics, Identities, and Geographies,

Organized by: Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, and Regent's Centre for Transnational Studies, Regent's University London

The Turkish Migration Conference is an international peer reviewed research event dedicated to the study of migration to, from, in and through Turkey covering a wide range of multidisciplinary areas including dynamics and patterns of human mobility, legal and regulatory frameworks, labour market outcomes, education and human capital, brain drain and brain circulation, short term migrations, migrant integration, diasporas, culture, media and politics, health and well-being of migrants, internal and international migration nexus, migrant experiences, the cost of migration, legal frameworks, conflicts, non-movers and attitudes and policies towards migration and migrants. The theme for this years, conference is set as “Economics, Identities, and Geographies” to reflect the multifaceted and multidisciplinary nature and scope of the field.

Turkish Migration Conference 2015 will be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 25 to 27 June 2015.

Turkish Migration Conference 2015 hosted by Charles University Prague, Czech Republic.

Turkish Migration Conference: Economics, Identities, and Geographies, the third in the series, aims at contributing to the debates on the impact of migration on receiving, sending and transit societies, on individuals, families, households, groups, and communities, law, geography, psychology, economics, development, politics, arts, culture and media.

Regent's Centre for Transnational Studies

Regent's University London

Regent's Park, Inner Circle

London NW1 4NS UK

Web: http://turkishmigration.com/


Začátek akce 25. června 2015
Konec akce 27. června 2015
Podtitul Turkish Migration Conference: Economics, Identities, and Geographies
Druh akce Konference
Organizátor FHS UK, Regent's Centre for Transnational Studies, Regent's University London
Email na organizátora inna.cabelkova@fhs.cuni.cz
Webové stránky http://www.turkishmigration.com/
Program http://turkishmigration.com/turkish-migration-conferences/turkish-migration-conference-2015/programme/
Místo konání akce areál FHS UK v Jinonicích, U Kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5
Cílová skupina Akademická obec i veřejnost
Bezbariérový přístup Ano
Poslední změna: 19. květen 2004 16:46 
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