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Přednáška Gayle Wald z George Washington University

Katedra genderových studií FHS UK si Vás dovoluje pozvat na veřejnou přednášku Gayle Wald (George Washington University in Washington, DC) Over the Rainbow: Labelle, Black Feminist Musical Self-Fashioning, and 1970s Freedom Dreams, která proběhne 31. března 2016 od 14:00 (učebna FHS 1, Areál Vokovice FTVS, José Martího 31). Přednáška a následná diskuze proběhnou v anglickém jazyce. Vstup volný.

Music has always moved us, but sometimes it even mobilizes us. What are the relationships between music and affect, affect and emotion, emotion (from esmovoir, “to set in motion”) and political movements?

To get at the notion of musical mobilization, my paper focuses on the early (pre-“Lady Marmalade”) career of Nona Hendryx, Sarah Dash, and Patti LaBelle, who began making music as members of the mid-to-late 1960s girl group Patti LaBelle and the Bluebells and subsequently reinvented themselves in the early 1970s as the musically cosmopolitan trio Labelle. What specifically interests me is how, through a series of aesthetic changes (in their look, repertoire, and sound), Hendryx, Dash, and LaBelle responded to the urgent political “call” of Black Power and, in so doing, pioneered a mode of black feminist musical performance that would move and mobilize various counter-publics.

Gayle Wald is professor of English and American Studies at George Washington University in Washington, DC. She is author of three books, including Shout, Sister, Shout! (2007, Beacon), a biography of musical trailblazer Sister Rosetta Tharpe, and It's Been Beautiful: Soul! and Black Power TV (2015, Duke University Press). Currently, she edits (with Oliver Wang), the Journal of Popular Music Studies, the house publication of the U.S. branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music.

Začátek akce 31. března 2016 v 14:00
Konec akce 31. března 2016 v 23:59
Podtitul Přednáška Gayle Wald z George Washington University
Druh akce Přednáška
Organizátor Katedra genderových studií FHS UK
Místo konání akce učebna FHS 1, Areál Vokovice FTVS, José Martího 31
Cílová skupina Akademická obec i veřejnost
Rezervace Ne
Vstupné Ne
Poslední změna: 19. květen 2004 16:46 
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