Elections to AS FH CU in brief

Basic information about the elections to the AS FH CU

  • The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University consists of 15 members who are elected in direct and secret elections by the academic community of the Faculty.

  • Nine members are elected from among the academic staff themselves, six members are elected from among the students only by the students.

  • The term of office of academic staff is three years, with one third of them being replaced periodically each year.

  • The term of office of the students is two years and half of them are replaced periodically every year.

  • By resolution of the Senate, the election may be conducted partially or wholly electronically by means of a computer network. The conditions under the Higher Education Act must be met. A document on the technical details of the organisation, conduct and security of such elections will be published at the same time. Objections from members of the academic community of the Faculty shall be sent to the Senate and the Electoral Commission.

  • To organise the election of members of the Senate, the Senate shall set up an election committee composed of academic staff and students in a parity manner.The members of the committee, alternate members of the committee and the chairperson of the committee shall be elected by the Senate on the proposal of the Senate Bureau. In the event that a member of the committee accepts to stand for election, his/her membership of the committee shall cease. Membership shall also terminate upon resignation or upon termination of membership in the academic community of the University. A replacement shall be called immediately to fill the vacancy.

  • An academic staff member or a student who is a member of the academic community of the Faculty may be nominated as a candidate for a member of the Senate. Any member of the academic community of the Faculty may nominate candidates.

Overview of the results of the elections to AS FH CU and AS CU from 2015 (only in Czech)

Last change: December 17, 2024 13:38 
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