The term of office: 2025–2028
The term of office: 2024–2027
The term of office: 2025-2028
The term of office: 2024–2027
The term of office: 2023–2026
The term of office: 2023–2026
The term of office: 2024–2027
The term of office: 2023–2026
The term of office: 2025–2028
The term of office: 2024–2026
The term of office: 2025-2027
The term of office: 2024–2026
The term of office: 2025-2027
The term of office: 2025-2027
The term of office: 2024–2026
The above composition of the Academic Senate of FH CU resulted from the elections held in November 2022, November 2023 and November 2024. (see Archive of elections to the AS FH CU and AS CU - only in Czech).
1 February 2023 - 31 January 2026 (J. Horský, S. Muhič Dizdarevič, P. Pavlík) |
1 February 2024 - 31 January 2027 (M. Heřmanský, A. Novák, J. Tuček) |
1 February 2025 - 31 January 2028 (Y. Abu Ghosh, L. M. Dobrovolná Wladyniak, J. Wohlmuth Markupová) |
The term of office of student representatives is as follows: |
1 February 2024 - 31 January 2026 (L. Kalabisová, M. Krofta, K. Zamrazilová) |
1 February 2025 - 31 January 2027 (M. Jiřičková, Š. Navrátilová, O. Schovanec) |
The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University is composed of 15 members elected in direct and secret elections by the academic community of the Faculty. Nine members are elected from among the academic staff by themselves, six members are elected from among the students by students only.
The Board of the Academic Senate consists of the President of the Senate and two Vice-Presidents. The members of the Board are elected by the Senate at the first ordinary Senate meeting by secret ballot for one year and may be removed by secret ballot. Board members must include at least one member from the academics and at least one member of the student representatives.
The President of the Senate convenes the Senate and speaks for the Senate. The President of the Senate is represented by the Vice-President of the Senate. The Board shall prepare the sessions of the Senate and shall carry out the tasks set out in the Electoral Rules and the Rules of Procedure of the Senate.
Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic