
The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University in Prague invites applications for a full-time position of Assistant Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Anthropology, to begin in September/October 2010. Successful candidates are expected to take part in curriculum development and in expanding the research potential of the department. Possible teaching and scholarship areas include but are not limited to anthropology of religion, kinship, art (symbolic forms), the state or social movements.


  • Applicants must hold or expect to hold a Ph.D. in social and cultural anthropology or neighboring disciplines with emphasis on qualitative, ethnographic research.

  • Preference will be given to applicants who have completed postgraduate studies at an internationally renowned anthropological department or have pursued a substantial period of study/research at such an institution.

  • Applicants must have experience in teaching social and cultural anthropology on either graduate or undergraduate level.

  • Applicants must have a working knowledge of Czech or Slovak.

Application Procedure:

  • The application deadline is August 9, 2010. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview that will take place on September 6, 2010.

All applications must include:

  1. A letter of interest.

  2. A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications).

  3. Two examples of publication of candidate’s own choice, preferably both published (but also one published and one unpublished, e.g. dissertation chapter).

  4. Copies of diplomas.

  5. kopie diplomů nejvyššího dosaženého vzdělání.

Due to the ongoing reconstruction of the department’s web site please address all inquiries concerning the study program of social and cultural anthropology and the department’s mission to the head of the department Dr. Yasar Abu Ghosh ( ).

Complete applications must be sent to:

Charles University in Prague

Faculty of humanities

Lenka Pešková

U Kříže 8

158 00 Praha 5

Or via e-mail:

Poslední změna: 12. únor 2018 12:14 
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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208


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