• The official results of the by-election to the AS CU at FH CU in the section of academic staff can be found in the protocol on the election results (only in Czech).

    The following academic staff members were elected as members of the AS CU for the election period 18 September 2023 - 31 January 2025 (in descending order of the number of votes obtained) :

    1. Lenka Martinec Nováková

    2. Petr Pavlík

    (13. 9. 2023)

  • By-elections to AS FH CU are over. The election application is closed.

    Unofficial results can be found directly in the election application under the "Completed" (“Dokončené“) tab.

    Unofficial results are for reference only. The official report on the results of the by-elections will be published by the FH CU sub-election commission here on the website later today.

    (13. 9. 2023)

  • The by-election to the Academic Senate of Charles University began today, Monday 11 September at 10.00 a.m., and you can vote until tomorrow, i.e. until Tuesday 12 September at 11.59 p.m.

    The by-elections will be held electronically.


    You will find all the information you need on how to use the voting application in this manual.

    You can access the app with the same login details you use for SIS.

    If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the Sub-election Commission by email at .

    Report any technical problems to .

    On behalf of the FH CU Sub-election Commission

    Mgr. Markéta Pražáková Seligová, Ph.D.

    Chairwoman of the FH CU Sub-election Commission

    (11. 9. 2023)

  • On Monday 4 September 2023, the FH CU Sub-election Commission published the candidate list for the AS CU elections at FH CU in the section of academic staff.

    A total of 2 representatives of academic staff are standing for the AS CU by-elections at FH CU.

    You can view the candidate list for the by-election here.

    (4. 9. 2023)

  • The acceptance of nominations for the by-election to the AS CU in the part of academic staff at FH CU closed on Sunday 3 September 2023 at 23:59.

    Thank you to all those who decided to nominate their candidate.

    The election will be held electronically on 11-12 September 2023.

    (4. 9. 2023)

  • The list of voters from among academic staff was generated in accordance with the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate as of 24. 8. 2023.

    (28. 8. 2023)


In September, by-elections to the Academic Senate of the Charles University will be held only in the academic staff section. The by-elections will take place on 11-12 September 2023.

Basic instructions:

  • Only an academic staff member of the Faculty may be nominated as a candidate for a member of the AS CU in these by-elections (for more information on the definition of 'academic staff member', see CU Rector's Measure 15/2020).

  • Only academic staff members of the Faculty may vote in these by-elections to the AS CU.

  • The nominee must agree to accept the nomination. The consent of the individual candidates to accept the nomination will be sought by the Sub-election Commission.

  • Nominations of candidates will be made electronically via a web form.

Web form:

  • The NOMINATION FORM can be found here.

  • As we need to verify your identity, the form is only accessible by logging into the University's MS Office 365 platform. In the first step of the login process, enter your login as "" (personal number aka UKČO - you can find it on your Charles University Identity Card or in SIS). You will then be redirected to the CAS login page where you will be able to log in with your usual login details. You cannot complete this form without logging in, which also identifies you as a person.

  • Please check that you are indeed logged in to your university account with MS Office before working with the form.

  • Instructions on how to log in to the University's MS Office 365 can be found here.

  • Only one candidate can be nominated per form. If you wish to nominate more than one candidate, you must complete the form for each nomination separately.

  • The form will take a fraction of your time to complete. You can also fill it in from your mobile phone.

The proposal includes:

  • identification of the proposer (i.e. UKČO, first and last name - these are automatically verified by your login to the form via CAS),

  • identification of the candidate (UKČO, first and last name - you fill in the form),

  • contact email of the proposer (to be filled in the form).


  • Candidates can be nominated between 28 June and 3 September until 23.59.

  • Candidate list will be published by the Sub-election Commission no earlier than Monday 4 September, no later than Thursday 7 September.

  • The by-elections for the AS CU part of the academic staff will take place at FH CU on 11-12 September 2023.

You can contact the Sub-election Commission by email at .

All information regarding the AS CU by-elections can be found on the Senate election website.

Information about FH CU representatives in the AS CU can be found here.

On behalf of the FH CU Sub-election Commission

Mgr. Markéta Pražáková Seligová, Ph.D.

Chairwoman of the FH CU Sub-election Commission

(28. 6. 2023)

Setting the date of the by-elections to the Academic Senate of Charles University 2023

AS FH CU sets the date of by-elections to AS CU1 at FH CU in the part of academic staff on 11-12 September 2023.

AS FH CU sets the electronic method of elections.

The term of office of the newly elected Senators begins upon election and ends on 31 January 2025.

(see AS FH CU Resolution No. 556)

The AS FH CU establishes a Sub-election Commission for the by-elections to the AS CU consisting of M. Pražáková Seligová (academic staff, chair), J. Tourek (academic staff, member), M. Plass (student, member), J. Horský (academic staff, alternate), M. Krofta (student, alternate).

(see AS FH CU Resolution No. 557)

The Sub-election Commission will inform about the preparation of the elections and nomination of candidates in the near future.

On behalf of AS FH CU

Mgr. Jana Wohlmuth Markupová, Ph.D.

President of the AS FH CU

(12. 6. 2023)



Academic Senate of Charles University

Last change: September 13, 2023 17:01 
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