Wi-Fi at CU

WI-FI connection at Charles Univestity is available via EDUROAM Wi-Fi Network by using

  • either Eduroam login details from the home university of a student

  • or his/her Charles University Eduroam login information:

    The username is as follows personalnumber@cuni.cz

    (you find your personal student number underneath the photo on your Charles University Student Card; when signign up, ensure that you type your username in the full format, i.e. including the domain:@cuni.cz)

    The password is to be set up via Charles University CAS website after collecting your CU Student Card. How to Set Up Eduroam Password instruction.

    Please note that the password for Eduroam must be different from the CAS password you use.

How to Connect your Device instruction

Last change: July 24, 2024 14:47 
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