• Kalendář


Reza Negarestani's lecture on (general) intelligence in Prague

AVU a Fakulta humanitních studií pořádají přednášku Rezy Negarestaniho, jednoho z předních myslitelů naší doby. Negarestani nejenže zpopularizoval psaní na pomezí teorie a fikce (Cyklonopedie), ale také rozvinul rozsáhlý neoracionalistický projekt o inteligenci. Ve své vůbec první pražské přednášce Negarestani nastíní svůj program (obecné) inteligence, jak je představen v knize Intelligence and Spirit. Negarestaniho přednášku doplní kratší příspěvek Václava Janoščíka. Diskusi bude moderovat Mohammad Salemy.

Tato akce je financována z prostředků GAČR, projekt č. 22-17984S: Ohniskové obrazy: násilí a nelidskost v současném umění a mediální kultuře, který řeší Akademie výtvarných umění v Praz společně s Fakultou humanitních studií UK.

Reza Negarestani na akci e-flux, duben 2014. Foto: Cog-Comp, CC

Anotace přednášky v angličtině

As encapsulated in its title, this presentation begins with a reference to Robert Heinlein's science fiction story, All You Zombies, which provides an account of a time-traveling agent who, as a child, quite literally, parents himself while avoiding famous time-traveling paradoxes. Building on the last chapter of Intelligence and Spirit (Urbanomic/Sequence Press/ MIT, 2018) titled "Philosophy of Intelligence," this talk seeks to outline and engage with the problem of intelligence in its natural, historical, and rational manifestations in terms of a depth defined as the proper time of intelligence itself (hermeneutically, logically or computationally understood). Once the problem of intelligence is adequately understood in terms of its space or time, philosophical and political questions regarding the spirit of intelligence, its capacities to bootstrap itself, and its arrival at a concrete self-recognition as intelligence will take new connotations and twists. The talk will provide an account of depth for intelligence within which both bottom-up and top-down, or Epimethean and Promethean dimensions of intelligence, are traditionally understood about how intelligence accesses knowledge and how hindsight or foresight can find their appropriate place in the realms of thinking and doing.

Anotace příspěvku Václava Janoščíka v angličtině

While Reza Negarestani's lecture and his thought, in general, stem from a specific tradition of Western philosophy, most notably the dialectical thread running from Plato to Hegel, or the "Odyssey of Spirit" (Intelligence and Spirit), what does it mean to continue in this European tradition of thought after the Anthropocene, Technocene, and decoloniality? And what does relating to this history signify, particularly in contemporary art, which has strayed from the art's philosophically universalist ambitions to instead empower the local or its indexical presence as opposed to transhistorical? In my response, I will show how art, not merely as a concept but through its actual practice, can re-engage with its speculative potential and offer a non-parochial space for orienting ourselves in the future and the past. In this sense, contemporary art, understood as a space for thought, could provide us with a chronopolitical perspective that, in a peculiar yet important way, complements the philosophical project of Reza Negarestani - hinting towards where we all zombies could come from.

Začátek akce 11. října 2024 v 18:30
Konec akce 11. října 2024 v 21:00
Druh akce Přednáška
Organizátor Václav Janoščík, Ondřej Váša
Email na organizátora ondrej.vasa@fhs.cuni.cz
Místo konání akce AVU (U Akademie 4, 170 00, Praha 7), aula
Cílová skupina Akademická obec i veřejnost
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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208


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