• The official results of the by-election to the AS CU at FH CU in the section of academic staff can be found in the protocol on the election results (only in Czech).

    The following academic staff members were elected as members of the AS CU for the election period 18 September 2023 - 31 January 2025 (in descending order of the number of votes obtained) :

    1. Lenka Martinec Nováková

    2. Petr Pavlík

    (13. 9. 2023)

  • Elections to AS FH CU are over. The election application is closed.

    Unofficial results can be found directly in the election application under the "Completed" (“Dokončené“) tab. Unofficial results are for reference only.

    The official election result report will be published here on the website within 24 hours.

    (24. 11. 2022)

  • Elections to the Academic Senate of FHS UK began on 21 November at 10:00 a.m.

    Elections are held only electronically.

    VOTE  ELECTRONICALLY  at  https://volby.is.cuni.cz

    You can vote until Thursday 24 November at 14:00.

    You can access the application with the same login details you use for SIS.

    You will find all the information you need on how to use the election application in this manual.

    • Here you can see the list of candidates for AS FH CU.

    • Students can only elect their student representatives to the student chamber of the AS FH CU, they cannot vote for the chamber of academic staff.

      Only academic staff members can vote for the AS FH CU Academic Staff Chamber. They, on the other hand, cannot vote for the student chamber.

    • In the elections to the AS FH CU you can tick 1 - 3 candidates in the election application. Instructions on how to vote are also given directly in the election application.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Election Commission by email at .

    Report any technical problems to .

    On behalf of the Election Commission

    Hedvika Novotná

    Chairwoman of the Election Commission

    (21. 11. 2022)

  • On Monday 14 November 2022, the Election Commission published the candidate lists for the elections to the AS FH CU.

    A total of 17 persons are running for the AS FH CU this year, 9 of them for the chamber of academic staff and 8 for the student chamber.

    Here you can see the list of candidates..

    (14. 11. 2022)

  • The acceptance of nominations for the elections to the AS FH CU closed on Monday 14 November 2022 at 10:00.

    Thank you to all those who have decided to nominate their candidate for election to the Academic Senate of FH CU.

    The elections will be held electronically from 21-24 November 2022.

    (14. 11. 2022)

  • The list of student voters and the list of academic staff voters were generated in accordance with the Code of Electoral Procedure for the AS FH CU as of 7.11.2022.

    (7. 11. 2022)


The elections to the Academic Senate of FH CU are coming up. The elections will take place from 21 to 24 November 2022.

We are now opening nominations for candidates.

Basic Instructions:

  • Candidates may be nominated by any member of the academic community of the Faculty. Any member of academic staff as well as any student can be nominated as a candidate – in both cases, their membership in the academic community of the Faculty is a necessary prerequisite.

  • Each nominee must accept their nomination. The election committee will request the acceptance of nomination from each nominee.

  • Nominations will be made electronically via a web form.

Web form:

  • The NOMINATION FORM is to be found here.

  • For the purposes of the verification of your identity, the form is accessible only after logging into MS Office 365 University platform. In the first step of the login, write your login in the form "personalnumber@cuni.cz" (ID number aka UKČO - you can find it on your Charles University card or in the SIS). You will then be redirected to the CAS login page, where you will be able to log in with your usual login details. It is not possible to fill in this form without logging in, which is also the identification of the person.

  • Instructions how to access MS Office 365 using university login, can be found here.

  • Make sure you are actually logged into your university account with MS Office before working with the form.

  • Only one candidate can be nominated per form. If you wish to nominate more than one candidate, you must complete the form for each nomination separately.

  • Filling out the form takes almost no time. It can be filled out also using a mobile phone.

Nomination must include:

  • Identification of the nominator (Charles University ID number, name and surname - are automatically verified by your login to the electronic form),

  • Identification of the nominee (Charles University ID number, name and surname - to be filled out in the form),

  • contact e-mail of the nominator (to be filled out in the form).

Save the Dates:

  • Nominations of the candidates for the AS FH CU are accepted in the period of October 3 – November 14, 10 am.

  • Candidate lists will be published by the Election Commission no earlier than Monday 14 November and no later than Friday 18 November.

  • Elections to the AS FH CU will take place on 21 - 24 November.

You can contact the Election Commission by email at .

All information regarding the AS FH CU elections can be found on this election website.

On behalf of the Election Commission

Hedvika Novotná

Chairwoman of the Election Commission

(3. 10. 2022)

Announcement of elections to the Academic Senate FH CU 2022

In accordance with Article 2 of the Election Regulations of the AS FH CU, the AS FH CU announces elections to the AS FH CU1 on 21 - 24 November 2022.

AS FH CU provides for an electronic method of election.

The term of office of the newly elected Senators from among the academic staff shall begin on 1 February 2023 and end on 31 January 2026.

The term of office of newly elected student senators shall begin on 1 February 2023 and end on 31 January 2025.

(see AS FH CU Resolution No. 526)

AS FH CU establishes an election commission for the election to AS FH CU composed of Hedvika Novotná (academic staff, chairwoman), Jiří Tourek (academic staff, member), David Jelínek (student, member), Matěj Krofta (student, member), Jana Wohlmuth Markupová (academic staff, alternate), Martina Pustková (student, alternate).

(see AS FH CU Resolution No. 527)

The election commission will report on the preparations for the elections and the nomination of candidates in the near future.


prof. Dr. phil. Pavel Himl

Chairman of AS FH CU

(15. 9. 2022)



Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Last change: September 13, 2023 17:00 
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