Traineeships for Graduates

Charles University, in cooperation with the EDUCA consortium, offers traineeships for graduates within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. The expected duration of the traineeship is 2 months with an average grant of EUR 600/month. Please note that candidates must still be students at the time of the selection procedure and during the subsequent administrative procedure (until the signing of the participation contract), therefore have to apply before the end of their studies (before defending their thesis).

Students should find the traineeship institution on their own, either through the university contacts, the contacts of the EDUCA consortium or via independent sources such as Erasmus Intern.

Interested students can apply to the FHS International Department on a continuous basis throughout the academic year. Applications can be submitted at latest 1 month before graduation. We recommend that you do not leave your application to the last minute, as administrative processing may take longer depending on the time of application.

Conditions of Graduate Traineeships

  • Graduates may undertake their traineeships in any country participating in the Erasmus+ programme, with the exception of the Czech Republic and their country of residence.

  • The graduate traineeship is open to any student who is completing a BA, MA or PhD programme.

  • From April 2024 the graduate traineeships can be funded for the maximum time of 6 months and 0 days, given the requirement that the student has fulfilled all of the conditions in order to go on Erasmus.

  • A minimum duration of two months is considered to be equivalent to 60 days. It is necessary to consider the overall time spent on all other Erasmus stays the students have carried out duirng the studies, graduate traineeships will be added to that total time (students have 12 months during each study cycle for their Erasmus+ mobilities).

  • The traineeship is to be completed within 12 months after graduation (including the duration of the traineeship).Please note that the participant must not be enrolled in further studies during the traineeship.

  • The purpose / objective of the traineeship must correspond to the student's study field / study programme.

  • The expected number of working hours per week is 30-40.

How to Apply?

In order to apply, you need to submit all required documentation in PDF format in English and in the language of instruction at partner university (if differs) via email to 1 moth before graduation at the latest!

The required documents are as follows:

  • Structured CV

  • Letter of Motivation (including the traineeship objective)

  • Application for Graduates

  • Letter of Acceptance (not compulsory)

The faculty results will be announced to the participants via email.

Administrative steps for selected applicants

After the selection procedures, the selected applicants have to send the CV, Letter of Motivation and the Application for Graduates (approved by the faculty) to the Charles University European Office via email.This office will confirm the application and send it back to the student by email. The final step is to send the confirmed application to the EDUCA consortium folowing the instructions stated in the application.


The applicant also has to fill out a  Learning Agreement for Traineeships (Educa LA Traineeship). The Learning Agreement for Traineeships is filled out by the applicant in cooperation with their traineeship mentor from the receiving institution, as well as with their faculty coordinator (IO FHS). The faculty coordinator certifies the application by signing it as the "Responsible person in the Home University". This document than needs to be send to EDUCA. The EDUCA consortium subsequently confirms the nomination of the selected student and informs them about the following procedures.


The application must be sent to the EDUCA consortium before graduating, that is before the last part of the final degree exam. Learning Agreement for Traineeships can be sent to the consortium even after that date.

Further information about the traineeships for graduates is to be found at the university website or at EDUCA consortium.

Last change: August 7, 2024 11:56 
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