Partner Universities

List of available partner universities

Main selection procedure for study stays in the academic year 2025/2026

Use the spreadsheet listed below to find the university which suits you best (according to the country, language of instruction, level of studies, etc.).

The list of partner universities in the main selection procedure for study stays in the academic year 2025/2026 is available HERE.

Interactive Map

  • Alternatively, you can click on the map and browse the partner universities via Google Maps.


University of GRAZ

Faculty: Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities

Field of study: Gender studies

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German, English (B2 knowledge of German is recommended, it is not guaranteed that 30 ECTS will be offered in English)

Places: 2

Katolische Privatuniversität LINZ

Field of study: philosophy

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German

Places: 2

Universität WIEN

Faculty: Gender Research Office

Field of study: Gender studies

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German, (English)

Places: 2

We recommend applying only for the Winter Semester due to the exam dates in the summer semester.


Faculty: Institut für Philosophie

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German, English

Places: 2

University of Innsbruck

Department: Gender Studies

Field of study: Social sciences

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German, (English)

Places: 2


Department: Institute of Philososphy

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German, (English)

Places: 2

University of Applied Arts VIENNA

Programme: Cross-Disciplinary Strategies / Transformation Studies: Art x Science

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction:  English (B2), German

Places: 3

Notes: The partner university evaluates nominated students through their own selection process based on the submitted materials requested from the students. The final decision on the acceptance of students therefore lies with the partner university. If you choose this university, please also include an alternative option in your motivation letter in case you are not selected.

Central European University, Vienna

Faculty: Department of Gender Studies/History/Medieval Studies

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (C1, certificate required)

Places: 3

Notes: Admission for Erasmus studies at CEU is not automatic! Applicants are asked to submit an online application. Submitted applications are evaluated on the basis of the quality of the application, the applicant's academic strength as well as his/her knowledge of English.

The academic year is organised in trimesters (Fall/Winter/Spring). In the Spring semester, the course offering is very limited, therefore we strongly recommend to apply for the Fall or Winter semester.


University of ANTWERP

Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: MA

Languageof instruction: English

Places: 2


Faculty: Faculty of Arts

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

Academic questionnaire: SS 22/23

Université de LIEGE

Faculty: Faculté des Sciences Sociales (Vous pouvez choisir des cours dans toutes nos filières de Bachelier et de Master; vous devez absolument avoir, pour chaque quadrimestre : au minimum la moitié de votre liste de cours provenant de nos programmes – le cours de français non compris.)

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French – minimum level of knowledge: B1; English, for more information please see here

Places: 2

Université catholique de LOUVAIN

Faculty: Faculté de philosophie, arts et letteres (50 % of the courses has to be from this faculty)

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French, English

Places: 2


University of ZAGREB

Faculty: Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work

Students can choose English courses across Faculties

Field of study: Humanities, Social Work

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: Croatian, English (Proof of English knowledge on B2 level is required – all kinds of certificates are accepted.)

Places: 2


University of AARHUS

Faculty: Faculty of Arts

Students are required to select at least 20 ECTS credits per semester within their host department, and are not allowed to select courses across Faculties.

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

Academic questionnaire:  WS 21/22 GS

University of Copenhagen

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD.

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

Students can apply only in the main selection round. This agreement has been signed within the 4EU + Alliance and is valid for all faculties of CU. If you choose this university, please include an alternative choice in the cover letter in case you are not selected.


Tallinn University

Faculty: School of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

University of Tartu

Department: Department of Semiotics

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2


LAB University of Applied Sciences

Faculty: Faculty of Social and Health Care

Field of study: Humanities/ Welfare

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

University of TURKU

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Exchange students can quite freely choose courses over the Faculty borders – except Medicine, Dentistry, Law and Business – since many of the programmes are multidisciplinary.

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (certificate B2)

Places: 2


Bordeaux Montaigne University

Faculty: UFR Humanités

Field of study: History

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French

Notes: Exchange students should mainly choose their courses within the agreed field of study, at least 50%. A minimum level of B1 in French for ERASMUS+ students is compulsory (no certification required).

Places: 1

Université LILLE

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French

Places: 1

Sciences Po LYON

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French, (English)

Places: 2

Université de Paris Cité

Faculty: UFR Géographie, Histoire, Sciences de la Société

Field of study: History

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French (minimum B1)

Places: 1

Université PARIS Nanterre

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French (minimum B1, certificateTCF/DELF)

Places: 2

Academic questionnaire:  19/20 LAH

Sorbonne Université, PARIS

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: French

Places: 2

This agreement has been signed within the 4EU + Alliance and is valid for all faculties of CU. If you choose this university, please include an alternative choice in the letter of motivation in case you are not selected.

Université de POITIERS

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Arts

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French (B1 recommended)

Places: 2

Université de Strasbourg

Faculty: Licence Humanités

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: French (minimum B1)

Places: 2

Université de TOULOUSE - Jean Jaurès

Faculty: UFR de Lettres, Philosophie et Musique

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: French

Places: 2

Faculty: UFR Sciences, Espaces, Sociétés

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: French

Places: 1

Université de VERSAILLES Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: French

Places: 2


Universität AUGSBURG

Faculty: Philologisch - Historische Fakultät

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German, English. Language Certificate for German or English B2 level (must not be older than 2 years).

Notes: Please note that the offer in English is limited in some subject areas. Therefore, students who will only take courses in English must check whether they can find enough English-taught courses to fulfil their home university’s credit requirements. Basic German skills are highly recommended for daily life, even if students only study in English.:

Students are allowed to take courses at the faculty of the respective inter-institutional agreement. In addition, they may take courses from a second faculty if required by their degree programme and approved by the University of Augsburg during the application process. Language and intercultural courses are open to all exchange students. Exchange students must fulfil the academic and language requirements of the respective module.

Places: 2

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Faculty: Insitut für Kulturwissenschaft

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German (minimum B2)

Places: 2

Ruhr-Universität BOCHUM

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German, (English)

Places: 2

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhems-Universität BONN

Faculty: Philosophische Fakultät

Field of study: History

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German. Language requirements: German on bachelor level. English often on master level. German is the main language of instruction at the University of Bonn, particularly in most undergraduate/bachelor programs. Therefore, a minimum level of B1 in German is required for bachelor students. Details about German language requirements are to be found on our website. If in doubt, please contact the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator.

However, in graduate/Master courses English is often the language of instruction. Here, a minimum level of English B2 is usually required. For more information on courses taught in English, please contact the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator.

Places: 2

Technische Universität DRESDEN

Faculty: Institut für Soziologie

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German (you must provide proof of competence in German – B1– with your application), (English: you must provide proof of competence in this language B1/B2)

Places: 2

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and History, Faculty of Social Sciences

Field of study: Anthropology, Social sciences

If students want to study in a study field outside of this cooperation, they need to ask the respective coordinator of the study field if they will be accepted as guest students or not. It is up to the department/faculty outside of this cooperation to accept them or not.

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German, (English)

Places: 4

Universität HEIDELBERG

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: German

Places: 2

This agreement has been signed within the 4EU + Alliance and is valid for all faculties of CU. If you choose this university, please include an alternative choice in the letter of motivation in case you are not selected.

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu KIEL

Faculty: Philosophische Fakultät

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: BA., MA, PhD

Language of instruction: German, (English). We usually recommend a German language level of B1. Some faculties require higher language skills - we will inform your students about it, if applicable. To attend courses at our department of German studies it is required to have a German language level of B2 (e. g. Zertifikat Deutsch -Goethe-Institut, or TELC, DAAD Sprachtest etc.) corresponding on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Please pay attention to our German Language course offer: The International Spring Course in March as well as language classes during the semester, which are offered twice a week. The application period for the International Spring Course 2024 starts in early November. For all successfully completed language courses your students will receive credits. For further information see our website:

Places: 2

Universität Zeppelin, FRIEDRICHSHAFEN

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German, English (TOEFL iBT: 90 internet-based, 220 computer-based)

Places: 2

Justus Liebig University GIESSEN

Faculty: Faculty of History and Cultural Studies

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German, (English)

Places: 1


Faculty: Fakultät Management und Kulturwissenschaften

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German

Places: 1

Universität KONSTANZ

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English, German. German or English proficiency at a minimum level of B2 (European Reference Frame). B1 competences are not sufficient to follow academic courses.

Places: 2

Academic questionnaire: SS 22/23

Leuphana University of LÜNEBURG

Faculty: all faculties

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: German, English

Places: 2

Carl von Ossietzky Universität OLDENBURG

Faculty: Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German (minimum B1), English (B2)

Places: 2

Paderborn University

Faculty: Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German

Places: 2

Eberhard Karls Universität TÜBINGEN

Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: German

Places: 2

Bergische Universität WUPPERTAL

Field of study: Philosophie

Study cycle: MA, PhD

Language of instruction: German

Places: 2

University of Würzburg

Field of study: Philosophie

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German, English

Places: 2

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

Field of study: Philosophie

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: German (B2)

Places: 2


Aristotle University of THESSALONIKI

Faculty: School of Philosophy and Education

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: Greek (B1), (English)

Places: 1

Notes: Students that are not competent in Greek are able to consult with professors/ get materials in English in order to understand the topic and prepare for the examination. In practice, students undertake a written assignment in English, which they discuss with the professor and need to submit in the end of the semester.

Incoming Erasmus students can select up to 50% of courses in English also from other Schools of the Aristotle University (provided that these courses are relevant with their study field).

University of PATRAS

Faculty: School of Humanities nnd Social Sciences

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: Greek

Places: 1


Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, BUDAPEST

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Field of study: Anthropology

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2


University of Iceland

Faculty: School of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2


DUBLIN City University

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: English

Notes: All non-native English speakers should submit evidence of their proficiency in the English language. Always check the form of atestation at the end of a course (exam vs continuous assessment)!

Places: 3

University of LIMERICK

Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Field of study: Humanities

Please note there are restrictions within the subject areas of Psychology, Journalism and Sports Science

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD (musicology)

Language of instruction: English

Notes: All students nominated for course work under a bilateral agreement are required to take the majority of their modules from the academic area of the Inter Institutional Agreement that the student is nominated under.

Places: 2

Academic questionnaire: 17/18 WS LAH


University of BOLOGNA

Faculty: Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies

Field of study: Arts & Humanities

Minimum of 50% of all courses have to be from the given field of study, others can be from the School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage.

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (B1), Italian (A2)

Places: 3

European University Institute, FIESOLE

Field of study: History

Study cycle: PhD

Language of instruction: English

Places: 1

University of Milan

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: Italian

Notes: The majority of courses are in Italian!

Places: 2

This agreement has been signed within the 4EU + Alliance and is valid for all faculties of CU. If you choose this university, please include an alternative choice in the letter of motivation in case you are not selected.

Sapienza Universita di Roma

Department of Communication and Social Research

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: PhD

Language of instruction: English, Italian - the content of the study plan depends on individual agreement with academic supervisor from the partner university

Academic refferences at FHS: doc. PhDr. Tereza Pospíšilová, PhD.Mgr. Selma Muhič Dizdarevič, Ph.D.

Places: 2


VILNIUS University

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2


University of Amsterdam

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 3

Academic questionnaire:  18/19 LAH

Maastricht University

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Please note that this university is suitable for senior students.

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

Radboud Universiteit NIJMEGEN

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (minimum B2)

Places: 2

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (minimum B2)

Places: 2

Erasmus Universiteit ROTTERDAM

Faculty: Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

History and Arts & Culture Studies exchange students should follow at least 50% of their total number of courses within the History and/or Arts & Culture Studies.

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: English (cetrificate B2)


Admission Requirements for incoming exchange students:

  • Average GPA of around 70% or higher, or corresponding average grade

  • Proficiency in English (level C1), in reading, writing, speaking and listening

  • More information is available here.

Please pay attention to the immigration requirements!

Počet míst: 3

Academic questionnaire: SS 22/23

University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht

Faculty: Department of Education

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

Students can apply only in the main selection round and only for the winter semester of the upcoming academic year.


University of Bergen

Faculty: Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design

Field of study: Humanities (musicology)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (minimum B2)

Notes: Exchange students may choose courses at more than one faculty, but please note that for restricted courses with a limited number of places, students nominated on an exchange agreement in the relevant subject area will be prioritized.

Places: 2

University of OSLO

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities, Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (minimum B2), Norwegian

Places: 2

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

Notes: It is possible to select courses outside the host faculty if needed. An exception to this is courses in architecture, medicine and music, where the students needs to be nominated on a specific agreement in that field.


Jagiellonian University in KRAKOW

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy (Institut of Philosophy)

Field of study: Philosophy

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English, Polish

Places: 1

Faculty: Institut of Sociology

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English, Polish

Places: 2

University of WARSAW

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2

This agreement has been signed within the 4EU + Alliance and is valid for all faculties of CU. If you choose this university, please include an alternative choice in the letter of motivation in case you are not selected.

University of WROCLAW

Faculty: Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences

Field of study: Musicology

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (certificate B2), Polish

Places: 2


BRATISLAVA International School of Liberal Arts

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English, Slovak

Places: 2

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in TRNAVA

Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: Slovak, (English)

Places: 1

Academic reference at FHS: Marek Halbich, Ph.D

Pan-European University, BRATISLAVA

Field of study: Psychology

Faculty: Faculty of Psychology

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: Slovak

Places: 2

University of Matej Bela, BANSKA BYSTRICA

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: MA, PhD

Language of instruction: Slovak

Places: 3


Univerza v LJUBLJANI

Faculty: Faculty of Arts

Students can choose courses in English from the so-called "Erasmus basket"

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA, Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Slovene, English; Students must present a language certificate of their Slovene or English language skills on level B2.

Places: 2


Universidad Complutense de MADRID

Faculty: Facultad de ciencias políticas y sociología

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: Spanish

Notes: The minimum level required is B1 (according to the CEFR), but each faculty/center has specific requirements. For Master and PhD programs it is highly recommended to have a C1 level in Spanish, as we cannot guarantee any course or research in other languages. More information is available here.

Places: 2


Faculty: Facultad de ciencias políticas e sociais

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: Spanish, Galician

Places: 2

Universidad Valladolid

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: Spanish (Evidence of B1 Spanish language level); English - only program International Semester in Humanities

Places: 2


University of GOTHENBURG

Faculty: Department of Languages and Literatures

Field of study: Languages

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Notes: Students nominated within this subject are may select some courses at other departments at the Faculty of Humanities, if they fulfil the requirements of the respective department. However students are expected to mainly select courses at their host department (Department of Languages and Literatures).

Places: 2

Södertörn University, STOCKHOLM

Faculty: School of Culture and Education

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 1

UMEA University

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Notes: Course requirements The specific requirements and the study duration for each course is stated on the course web page and are found by clicking on the course name in the list of courses. The requirements are not just a recommendation; it is necessary to fulfil them.

Places: 2

UPPSALA University

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology

Students must choose at least 50% of courses from the Department of Sociology. Only courses from this department are guaranteed.

Field of study: Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: MA

Language of instruction: English

Places: 2


Université de Genève

Field of study: Humanities, Sociology and Cultural Studies (Social Sciences)

Study cycle: BA, MA, PhD

Language of instruction: French, English

Places: 2

This agreement has been signed within the 4EU + Alliance and is valid for all faculties of CU. If you choose this university, please include an alternative choice in the cover letter in case you are not selected.


Sabanci University, ISTANBUL

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English

Notes: Students can take courses from different departments. The majority of the courses should be taken from the agreement subject area.Course limitations for specific subjects are available here.

Places: 2

Academic questionnaire:  17/18 LAH

United Kingdom


You can check if you need a visa on the UK government website. You should carefully check what you need and research the cost, requirements, and timescales.

Some outgoing students will have to apply for a visa:

  • If you are staying less than 6 months and are from the EU/EEA region, you do not need a visa. However, you may need an ETA.

  • If you are staying less than 6 months and are not from the EU/EEA region, you need to apply for a respective visa.

  • If you are staying more than 6 months, you need to apply for a Student Visa. Please, be aware of the cost of the visa application and also the time it takes to process.

Furthermore, be aware that from January 1, 2021, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) will no longer cover your health insurance in the UK. Please, take time to calculate your immigration health surcharge.

University of EDINBURGH

Faculty: History

Field of study: history (2/3 of the courses have to be from this field)

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: English (B2 - IELTS/TOEFL - further information)

Other requirements: GPA better than 2 (C), finished 1st year

Places: 3

University of Essex, COLCHESTER

Faculty: School of Philosophy and Art History

Field of study: Philosophy (students can attend courses across the faculties)

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (All students who are non-English speaking must submit an IELTS certificate with their application; 6.0 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. Certificates from the student's home university cannot be accepted. If the student's tuition is in English (50% minimum) it is not necessary to provide a language certificate.  Please note that we are currently unable to accept TOEFL or TOEIC language certificates.)

Places: 2

University of DURHAM

Faculty: Department of Anthropology

Field of study: Anthropology

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (Students applying to Durham University through the Erasmus programme are not required to provide a formal English test (TOEFL, IELTS) as part of their application. However, applicants are asked to submit a Statement of English Language Proficiency form as part of their application (this is included in the application package) to ensure that they can follow courses competently.)

Places: 2

Students can only apply in the main selection round for the entire academic year.

NEWCASTLE University

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Field of study: History

Study cycle: BA

Language of instruction: English (certificate B2)

Places: 2

University of WARWICK

Department: Liberal Arts

Field of study: Humanities

Study cycle: BA, MA

Language of instruction: English (English Language Requirements)

Places: 3

Last change: December 16, 2024 10:50 
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