• Kalendář


Přednáška: Inhabiting a Transforming Delta. Volatility and improvisation in the Canadian Arctic

Katedra sociální a kulturní antropologie zve na přednášku dr. Franze Krause (University of Cologne) „Inhabiting a Transforming Delta. Volatility and Improvisation in the Canadian Arctic“, která se uskuteční 23. listopadu 2021 od 17:00 na Fakultě humanitních studií UK (Pátkova 2137/5, Praha 8) v učebně 0.01.



Gwich’in and Inuvialuit inhabitants of the Mackenzie Deltain Canada’s Northwest Territories have witnessed an eventful history in relation to colonialism and environmental transformation.Their current lives are characterized by mobility, mixing and melting as they negotiate new and old livelihoods, continuity in traditions, and thawing permafrost landscapes. Approaching these lives in terms of volatility opens up an experience-near understanding of people’s relations with perpetual, uncertain transformations. Differently situated delta in habitants have different ways of dealing with these uncertain dynamics, but all are characterized by an improvisation that carries forth reputable activities and attitudes by new means. Dispositions like curiosity, playfulness, and risk-taking must not be seen as lacking resolve to confront transformations, but should be appreciated as skills for inhabiting a volatile world.

Začátek akce 23. listopadu 2021 v 17:00
Konec akce 23. listopadu 2021 v 18:30
Druh akce Přednáška
Organizátor Markéta Zandlová
Email na organizátora marketa.zandlova@fhs.cuni.cz
Místo konání akce Fakulta humanitních studií UK (Pátkova 2137/5, Praha 8), učebna 0.01
Cílová skupina Akademická obec i veřejnost
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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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