• Aktuality


16. února 2023

Kniha: Revolutionaries and Global Politics (s přispěním Martina Švantnera)

V prestižním nakladatelství Edinburgh University Press vyšla kniha Revolutionaries and Global Politics, do které přispěl náš kolega z Katedry filosofie doktor Martin Švantner s kapitolou Revolutionary Symbol Has No Power: Semiotic Reading of Hybridity. Na jednom z textů se též podílel absolvent studijního programu Elektronická kultura a sémiotika Alexander Ščerbak.

Text vznikl na základě výzkumného grantu Primus/17/HUM/24 Hybridní revoluční aktéři v mezinárodní politice, jehož týmu byl dr. Švantner součástí.


This is a book about discontents of the global order. Building on the innovative reading of ISIS as an international revolutionary actor, it explores the movement’s everyday political practices and confronts them with other global revolutionaries to arrive at a novel understanding of revolutionary agency in global politics. Benefiting in particular from Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of war machine and understanding of hybridity, the book shows how modern revolutionaries seek to disrupt the existing Westphalian order of modern states, yet are inevitably entangled with it and even reproduce in their conduct its founding principles. Including discussions on movements ranging from the Bolsheviks and Palestinian revolutionary groups to Khomeinists, to insurgents in Iraq and ISIS, the book pushes forward debates informed by critical social theory of revolution, violence, resistance and global order.

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208


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