Interruption of Study

  • If you want to interrupt your studies, you need to file a formal request at the Student Administration Office. The Student Administration Office has 30 days to process this request, i.e. your study will not be interrupted on the day when you filed your request.

  • The decision will be sent to the address you provided in the SIS via the post office or electronically via data box. If you prefer for the documents to be sent via the post office, we ask you to make sure your contact information in the SIS is filled out correctly before submitting your request.

  • Your study is officially interrupted when the decision on your request enters into force, i.e. 30 days from the day of delivery. If you want to interrupt your study sooner, you need to give up your right for appeal. Please, remember that once your study is interrupted, teachers can no longer submit your grades in the SIS.

  • Your study may be interrupted by the Student Administration Office if you failed to pay your tuition fee on time.

  • Please, note that the tuition fee is generated at the beginning of the academic year in full. Therefore, we do not recommend interrupting your study only for one semester - interrupting your study does not exempt you from paying the already-generated fee. The tuition fee may be pardoned only in exceptional cases.

Interruption of Study due to personal reasons

  • You can interrupt your studies once you complete the requirements to enrol into the next unit (year) of study. We recommend that you interrupt your study for both semesters (rather than one). If you have already completed all of your study requirements and you are missing only your thesis defence, you can interrupt your study during only one semester.

Interruption of Study due to serious reasons

  • If you experience any serious reasons which may prohibit you from studying, you can request that your studies be interrupted at any point during the academic year. These reasons include health problems or maternity/paternity leave until the child reaches age of 3.

  • You need to substantiate any such request by submitting a doctor's report, confirmation of maternity/paternity leave or your child's birth certificate - the Vice-Dean makes their decision based on these documents,

  • If your request is accepted, the time of interruption of your studies does not count towards the maximum duration of study.

Expiration of the interrupted period

  • By the end of the time period of your interruption of study, the Student Administration Office will notify you via e-mail. Usually, you have two options:

    • You can extend the interruption of study (and submit another official request)

    • You can reply to the e-mail and request that your study be reactivated.

    If you fail to do either of these steps, you will be ask to re-enrol in your studies first. If you do not re-enrol during the specified time period, your studies will be terminated.

Last change: August 3, 2021 15:56 
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