• Calendar


‹  April 2022  ›


21 February 2022 – 20 May 2022

Tuition in Summer Term

Tuition in the Summer Term 2021/22 starts on February 21, 2022 and ends on May 20, 2022.

20 April 2022

Guest Lecture "Exploring the Sober Middle of Society"

The Department of Sociology invites you to a lecture by prof. Barbara Thériault (Université de Montréal): "Die Bodenständigen. Exploring the Sober Middle of Society". The lecture takes place in Liben (room No. 2.42) on Wednesday, April 20 at 5 pm.

20 April 2022

Guest Lecture "Ludwig Wittgenstein: Architecture as Gesture"

The Department of Philosophy invites you to a lecture by Prof. Dr. Daniela Camhy, Dr. h. c. (Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz): Ludwig Wittgenstein: Architecture as Gesture. The Lecture takes place in Liben on Wednesday, April 20 at 2 pm.

21 April 2022

Guest Lecture "Digital Ethics"

The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities Charles University invites you to a lecture by Prof. Dr. Daniela Camhy, Dr. h. c. (Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz): Digital Ethics. The lecture takes place in Liben on Thursday, April 21 at 12.30 pm.

21 April 2022

Guest Lecture "Cosmopolitanism and Community of Inquiry"

The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities Charles University invites you to a lecture by Prof. Dr. Daniela Camhy, Dr. h. c. (Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz): Cosmopolitanism and Community of Inquiry. The lecture takes place in Liben on Thursday, April 21 at 5 pm.

26 April 2022

Lecture "Legal, Religious and Medical Spheres of Madness in Medieval Norway and Iceland"

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a lecture by prof. Helen F. Leslie-Jacobsen (University of Begen): Legal, Religious and Medical Spheres of Madness in Medieval Norway and Iceland.  The lecture takes place on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 (room No. 2.41) at 11.00 am.

26 April 2022

Guest Lecture "Law Books in Norway and Iceland"

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a lecture by prof. Helen Frances Leslie-Jacobsen (University of Begen): Law Books in Norway and Iceland. The lecture takes place on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 (room No. 2.41) at 8.00 am.

2 May 2022

Guest Lecture by Prof. Benno Gammerl (European University Institute)

The Faculty of Humanities, The German Historical Institute Warsaw, Collegium Carolinum Institute and History - Theory - Criticism Jorunal invite you to a guest lecture by prof. Benno Gammerl: "Feeling Differently. The Emotional Lives of Same-Sex Loving Men and Women in Postwar Germany". The lecture takes place in a hybrid format (Zoom / Valentinská 91/1) on May 2, 2022 at 5.00 PM.

3 May 2022

Guest Lecture by Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir (University of Iceland)

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir (University of Iceland): The representation of materiality and belief . The lecture takes place in Liben (room No. 2.41) on May 3, 2022 at 11 AM.

3 May 2022

Guest Lecture by Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir (University of Iceland)

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir (University of Iceland): The literary importance of Jómsvíkinga saga in the Old Norse corpus.. The lecture takes place in Liben (room No. 2.41) on May 3, 2022 at 8.00 AM.

3 May 2022

Guest Lecture by prof. Elisabeth Utsi Gaup: Taste of the Sámi language

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by prof. Elisabeth Utsi Gaup (University of Applied Sciences, Norway): Taste of the Sámi language. The lecture takes place at the FHS (room No. 2.12) on May 3, 2022 at 8.30 AM

3 May 2022

Guest Lecture by prof. Elisabeth Utsi Gaup: Searching for natural arenas for Sami language teaching

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by prof. Elisabeth Utsi Gaup (University of Applied Sciences, Norway): Language of the landscape: Searching for natural arenas for Sami language teaching. The lecture takes place at the FHS (room No. 2.12) on May 3, 2022 at 10.00 AM.

4 May 2022

Guest Lecture by prof. Elisabeth Utsi Gaup: From the oral tradition to the modern Sámi literature

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by prof. Elisabeth Utsi Gaup (University of Applied Sciences, Norway): From the oral tradition to the modern Sámi literature. The lecture takes place at the Faculty of Arts (nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, Prague 1) on May 4, 2022 at 3.50 PM

6 May 2022

Lecture by K. Somby: The fall of Iron curtain and construction of Sámi national symbols

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Katri Somby (University of Applied Sciences, Norway ): The fall of Iron curtain and construction of Sámi national symbols. The lecture takes place at the Faculty of Humanities (room No. 2.12) on May 6, 2022 at 9.30 AM.

6 May 2022

Lecture by K. Somby: Sámi people and Norwegian State

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Katri Somby (University of Applied Sciences, Norway ): Sámi people and Norwegian State. Case of Alta rivel dam construction. The lecture takes place at the Faculty of Humanities (room No. 2.12) on May 6, 2022 at 11.30 AM.

10 May 2022

Lecture by J. Newmana: Suicide and the Hermeneutics of Political and National Community in the Interwar Czechoslovak Republic

The Study Programme Oral History and Contemporary History cordially invites you to a lecture by Dr John Paul Newman (Maynooth University, Ireland): "Exorcizing a Ghost at the Banquet: Suicide and the Hermeneutics of Political and National Community in the Interwar Czechoslovak Republic". The lecture takes place at the FHS on May 10, 2022 at 5.00 PM.

11 May 2022


After a long break, the traditional Rector's Sports Day of Charles University will take place again this year. This sporting event of the summer semester will take place on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at all university sports grounds. All classes are canceled on this day.

20 May 2022

Students and Teachers Meeting at the end of the Semester

All students, teachers and FHS staff are invited to an informal meeting on May 20, starting at 5 pm. This year we will meet at the faculty area.

We look forward to meeting you!

23 May 2022 – 16 September 2022

Summer Term Exam Period

The Exam Period in the Summer Term at the Faculty of Humanities starts on May 23rd and ends on September 16th.

Between July 1st and August 31st there are summer holidays. Exam period is interrupted on this date.

24 May 2022

Lecture by Maji Babić: Studying state-socialist urban heritage

The Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a lecture by Maji Babić: "Studying state-socialist urban heritage: A (foreigner’s) inquiry into Prague’s paneláky". The lecture takes place at the FHS (room No. 2.32) on May 24 at 5.00 PM.

22 June 2022

workshop with Jamin Pelkey: In-Between Inhuman Extremes

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a workshop with Dr. Jamin Pelkey (Toronto Metropolitan University) "In-Between Inhuman Extremes: Focal Images of the Domination-Alienation Nexus". The workshop takes place at the FHS on Wednesday, June, 22.

24 June 2022

International Conference "Enhancing reflexivity at the workplace"

The Faculty of Humanities invites you to join an international conference for social workers, nurses, educators and team members in the social and health field: "Enhancing reflexivity at the workplace". The conference takes place at the Conference Centre GreenPoint on June 24 from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm.

27 June 2022

Workshop: Grant Proposal Writing

The Faculty of Humanities invites you to a workshop by Professor Niko Besnier (University of Amsterdam) "Grant Proposal Writing". The workshop takes place at the FHS (room No. YT003) on Monday, June, 27 at 4.00 PM

29 June 2022

Discussion "Anthropological Perspectives on Environmental Communication"

The Faculty of Humanities and the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe cordially invite you to a discussion with the editors and authors of the book "Anthropological Perspectives on Environmental Communication". The discussion takes place at the FHS on June 29, 2022.

11 July 2022 – 15 July 2022

Prague – Edinburgh Summer School in History: Enlightenment Studies

The Faculty of Humanities and the School of History, Classics & Archaeology, University of Edinburgh cordially invites you to a summer school "Prague – Edinburgh Summer School in History: Enlightenment Studies". The school takes place at the FHS on July 11 - 15.

16 September 2022

Guest Lecture: Grzegorz Piotrowski, Critical potential of anarchism and its consequences

The Faculty of Humanities, Contradictions Journal and the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts invite you to a public lecture "Critical potential of anarchism and its consequences“ by Grzegorz Piotrowski (University of Gdańsk / European Solidarity Centre).

22 September 2022 – 24 September 2022

International Conference "Medialatinitas IX: Nostalgia in/and the Middle Ages"

The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Arts, the Centre for Medieval Studies, the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic and LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ cordially invite you to an international conference "Medialatinitas IX: Nostalgia in/and the Middle Ages".

2 October 2022

Architecture Day at FHS

The Faculty of Humanities joins the Architecture Day on Sunday, October 2 from 1 to 5 pm. The headquarters of the Faculty of Humanities converted from former 17. listopadu dormitories - canteen from Kuba & Pilař architects is in operation sice 2020. In 2021, the building was awarded "Czech Architecture Award 2021" and "Grand Prix Architecture - National Architecture Award 2021".

3 October 2022

Commencement of the academic year 2022/2023

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to the opening ceremony at the beginning of the academic year 2022/23.

The cerenomy takes place at the Faculty hall on Monday, October 3, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.

3 October 2022 – 6 January 2023

Tuition in Winter Term

Classes in the Winter Semester 2022/23 start on October 3rd, 2022 and ends on January 6th, 2023.


Between 23/12/2022 and 1/1/2023 will be winter holidays.

4 October 2022 – 5 October 2022

International Conference: The Mayor Phenomenon

The Faculty of Humanities invites you to the 41th international conference "The Mayor Phenomenon. Personalities Running Cities in the 19th and 20th Centuries". The conference takes place on October 4 - 5, 2022.

4 October 2022

Guest Lectury by D.Rothenberg: Biodiversity Crisis as Musical Oportunity

The Faculty of Humanities, the Ethnomusicology Programme and the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS, the department of Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology invite you to a guest lecture by David Rothenberg: "Biodiversity Crisis as Musical Oportunity. Why Make Music with Other Species?". The lecture takes place on Tuesday, October 4 at the FHS (Pátkova 5, Prague 8 – Libeň).

5 October 2022

Music Workshop by D. Rothenberg: Interspecies Music. How to Make Music with Nature

The Faculty of Humanities, the Ethnomusicology Programme and the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS, the department of Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology invite you to a music workshop by David Rothenberg: "Interspecies Music. How to Make Music with Nature". The workshop takes place on Wednesday, October 5 at the Institute of Ethnology (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1).

17 October 2022

Guest Lecture by Marie Sonevytsky: Ukrainian Popular Musicians at the Cultural Front

The Faculty of Humanities invites you to a guest lecture by Marie Sonevytsky, American ethnomusicologist: "Instrumentalizing the Politics of Aesthetics in a Time of War: Ukrainian Popular Musicians at the Cultural Front". The lecture takes place at the FHS on Monday, October 17 at 4.00 PM.

19 October 2022

Welcome Day for International Students

The CU Point invites newly accepted international degree students enlisted in Bachelor´s, Master´s, and Doctoral degree programmes who begin their studies at Charles University in the academic year 2022/2023 to the Welcome Day.

25 October 2022


The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to the opening of Jan Dudešek's artistic intervention. The intervention takes place at the FHS on October 25, 2022, at 7 pm.

26 October 2022

Guest Lectury by Iana Johnsona: Productive Variancies in Retelling the Life of Christ

The Faculty of Humanities invites you to a guest lecture by prof. Ian Johnson (University of St Andrews): Productive Variancies in Retelling the Life of Christ. The lecture takes place at the FHS on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 11:30 am – 12:50 pm.

28 October 2022

Independent Czechoslovak State Day

This national holiday is to commemorate the creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918.

1 December 2022

Guest Lecture by Jürg Glauser: The Simultaneity of Media

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Jürg Glauser, professor emeritus at the University of Zürich and the University of Basel: The simultaneity of media. Manuscripts and printed books in late medieval and early modern Europe. The lecture takes place at the FHS (room No. 0.03) on December 1 at 11.30 am.

12 December 2022

Workshop: Jómsvíkinga saga, aspects and attitudes

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to a workshop: Jómsvíkinga saga, aspects and attitudes.

The workshop takes place at Café Liberál on December 12, 2022.

14 December 2022 – 15 December 2022

Workshop: Peirce's Semiotics and the Arts

The Faculty of Humanities and The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague invite you to a unique workshop with the two leading experts in the field of semiotics, philosophy and humanities. Francesco Bellucci and Frederik Stjernfelt. 

16 December 2022

Guest Lecture by prof. James G. Pfaus: The Chemistry of Sexual Desire

The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science invite you to a guest lecture by prof. James G. Pfaus: The Chemistry of Sexual Desire. The lecture takes place at the FHs on December 16 at 2.00 PM.

9 January 2023 – 10 February 2023

Exam period in Winter Term

The exam period in the Winter Term starts on January 9, and ends on February 10, 2023. 

Good luck on your exams!

18 January 2023

Faculty Open House

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University cordially invites you to an Open House which will be held in Liben (Pátkova 2137/5, Prague 8) on January 18, 2023.

23 February 2023

Guest Lectures by Sif Ríkharðsdóttir & Torfi H. Tulinius

The Faculty of Humanities cordially invites you to guest lectures by Sif Ríkharðsdóttir and Torfi H. Tulinius (University of Iceland). The lectures take place at the FHS building (room No. 2.41.) on Thursday, February 23, 2023.

23 February 2023

Guest Lecture: Haraldur Bernharðsson (University of Iceland), Old Norse phonology and morphology

The Faculty of Humanities, Charles University would like to invite you to lecture "Old Norse phonology and morphology: a gently introduction", which will be given on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. in classroom 2.41 by Haraldur Bernharðsson (University of Iceland).

23 February 2023

Breakfast with a rector of CU on FH

Dear employees, students and members of the academic community of the Faculty of Humanities! What are the current challenges faced by Charles University? What creative ideas could benefit CU? What is holding us back? Where do we want to be in five years’ time?

We cordially invite on February, 23, 09:00 – 10:00, both students and all FH employees to breakfast meeting with the Rector of CU, where you can jointly discuss a number of topics affecting the University in a relaxed environment.

23 February 2023 – 24 February 2023

International conference: Prague Medieval DH Storming

The Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University would like to invite you to the international conference on Digital Humanities in Medieval Studies, Prague Medieval DH Storming, which will take place in the form of presentations and discussions on Thursday, February 23 at the Hybernská Campus (Hybernská 4, Cirkulární hub) and in the form of practical parallel workshops on Friday, February 24, 2023 in Voršilská 1.

13 March 2023

Concert "Slow" of the Berg Orchestra at the FHS UK

The Berg Orchestra in cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University is pleased to invite you to the concert "SLOW | ... different flow of time", which will take place on Monday 13 March 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Faculty's headquarters.

18 March 2023

Guest Lecture by Hartwig Bischof

The Faculty of Humanities, CU cordially invites you to a lecture by the Austrian painter Hartwig Bischof. The lecture takes place at the FHS (room No. 2.32) on Saturday, March 18 at 2.00 PM.

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Faculty of Humanities

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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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