Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Ph.D.


  • Kancelář: 2.39

  • e-mail: d.lorenz-meyer@fhs.cuni.cz

Konzultační hodiny

Viz SIS.

Vyučované kurzy

Viz SIS.

Oborové zaměření

feministická technověda, feministické epistemologie, nový materialismus, feministická pedagogika a výzkumná tvorba


Ph.D., Genderová studia, 2000

London School of Economics, UK, Gender Institute

MA, Psychologie, 1993

University of Hamburg, Germany

Kurzy (posledních 5 let)

Gender & the Body

Feminist Epistemologies and Science Studies

Gender, Nature, Culture

Race & Gender

Methods and Practices of Text Interpretation

Vybrané publikace

Knihy a zvláštní vydání časopisů

Lorenz-Meyer, D., J. Taylor (eds. forthcoming) Special Issue “Climate Action: Infrastructures, Eco-Imaginaries, and Transversal Solidarity” Sociální studia /Social Studies 18 (1)

Lorenz-Meyer, D., P. Treusch, X. Liu (eds. 2019) Feminist Technoecologies: Reimagining Matters of Care and Sustainability, New York: Routledge.

Lorenz-Meyer, D., P. Treusch, X. Liu (eds. 2017) Special Issue ‘Feminist Technoecologies’ Australian Feminist Studies 94 (32).

Výzkumné články a kapitoly

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (under review) “Technoecologies of Solar Energy: Mobilising Practices and Capacities of Commoning”, Sociální studia /Social Studies

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (forthcoming) “Roma Snapshot Photography and a Black Sense of Place: Appraising Infrastructure through Movement, Memory, and Metabolism”, Gender, Place & Culture.

Lorenz-Meyer, D., J. Barla, P. Hinton (forthcoming) “Introduction: Provocations of New Materialisms on the Crossroads of the Natural and Human Sciences,” in I. van der Tuin, F. Colman (eds.) Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Hinton, P, D. Lorenz-Meyer, J. Barla, V. Braun, C. Draude, W. Ernst, X. Liu, N. Mauthner, S. Schmitz, J. Šmejkalová, M. Szczygielska (forthcoming) ‘New Materialisms across the Natural Sciences and Humanities: Trajectories, Inspirations, and Stirrings’, in I. van der Tuin, F. Colman (eds.) Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (2021) “Solar Delight, Electric Vulnerability and Energy Squandering” in J. Bussers et al. (eds.) Gendered Configurations of Humans and Machines, pp. 183–201. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (2018) “Snapshot”, in Gauthier, D., S. Skinner (eds.) New Materialism Almanac, http://newmaterialism.eu/almanac/s/snapshot.html.

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (2018) “The Academic Productivist Regime: Affective Dynamics in the Moral-Political Economy of Publishing”, Science as Culture 27 (2): 151–174.

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (2017) “Becoming Responsible with Solar Power? Extending Feminist Imaginings of Community, Participation and Care”, Australian Feminist Studies 32 (94): 427-444.

Lorenz-Meyer, D. (2017) “(Ver)Antworten leiblich tun: Genealogien, Imaginationen und Praxen ökologischen Verantwortens im materiellen Feminismus” [Responding Corporeally: Genealogies, Imaginings and Practices of Ecological Responsibility in Material Feminism], in C. Bath, H. Meißner, S. Trinkaus, S. Völcker (eds.) Verantwortung und Un/Verfügbarkei: Impulse und Zugänge eines (neo)materialistischen Feminismus, Münster: Westfaelisches Dampfboot.

Vybraná stipendia a granty

“Culture and Society,” Programy Progres, Team member, Charles University, 2017–2021.

“Technoekologie solární energie: propojování praxe, materialit a etiky” [Techno-Ecologies of Solar Energy: Articulating Practices, Materialities and Ethics], Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, 2017–2019.

“Snapshot Photography as New Materialist Methodology”, Short-term Scientific Mission, Goldsmiths University London July/August 2017.

“New Materialism: Networking Scholarship on ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’” (COST Action IS1307, European Commission 2014–2018)

Kurátorská činnost

Lorenz-Meyer, D and E. Pedersen (2019) “Stress,” Audio Performance of Memory Work.

Lorenz-Meyer, D. et al. (2018–2017) “Moje Ralsko,” Multi-Media Installation, part of the exhibition HateFree, exibited in CSW Kronika Gallery, Bytom, Poland (2018); Labor Gallery, Budapest, Hungary (2018), Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia (2018); Muzeum romské kultury, Brno, Czech Republic (2017–2018).

Lorenz-Meyer, D. et al. (2017–2016) ‘“Žiju tu ráda, ale...”: Fotografie očima obyvatel Ralska’, vystaveny v Muzeum romské kultury, Brno (2017); Hotel Amarilis, Praha, a the conferrence Proměny v postavení Romek za poslední půlstoletí, November 2016; Kostel sv. Havla, Mladá Boleslav, June 2016.

Mezinárodní konference a workshopy

“Environmental Activism, Technoecologies and Climate Justice,” Faculty of Humanities and Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences (with A. Novák and M. Kolářova), Prague 23.–24. 9. 2019.

“Multi-Sensual Methodologies,” Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague 27. 4. 2018.

“New Materialisms on the Crossroads of the Natural and Human Sciences” (with V. Braun), Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München, Germany 14.–15. 9. 2017.

Další odborné aktivity

Editor of the section “Scientometrics” (with E. de Freitas) of Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research.

Reviewer for grant agencies (European Commission; Austrian Science Foundation) and publishers (Bloomsbury Academic; Edinburgh University Press)

Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals (Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience; Contradictions / Kontradikce; Cultural Studies Review; Current Sociology; Czech Sociological Review; Feminist Review; Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien; Gender a výzkum; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook)

Poslední změna: 27. červen 2024 15:51 
Váš názor

Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208


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