doc. PhDr. Lucie Storchová, Ph.D., DSc.

Kontakt a konzultační hodiny:

Viz SIS.

Vyučované kurzy:

Viz SIS .

Research fields of interest

- Intellectual history of early modern Central Europe

- Renaissance humanism in Central Europe (scholarly communication, literary fields, historiography, travel literature)

- Social and cultural anthropology (cultural transfer analysis, discourse analysis, gender analysis)

Education and academic qualification

- completion of the DSc. degree (doctor scientiarum); awarded by the president of the CAS in October 2023

- Venia docendi awarded by the rector of the Charles University in Prague and in effect since 1 May 2023

- 2021–2022: “Habilitation” in History (Faculty of Arts of the Charles University)

- 2009: completion of the title „Ph.D.“ at the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, Prague (FHS UK, major: Anthropology); the doctoral dissertation awarded by Bolzano prize 2009

- 2006–2007: Promotionsstipendium by Gerda Henkel Stiftung (Düsseldorf)

- 2001–2007: several research stays abroad: October 2001 – January 2002: research stay at the Universität Wien (Aktion); March–June 2002: Universität Wien (Erasmus); October 2003 – January 2004: Universität Wien (Aktion); April–September 2004: Humboldt Universität Berlin (VW Stiftung); April–July 2006: Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main, etc.; Tutors: Prof. K. Vocelka, Prof. J. Helmrath, Prof. U. Mulack

- 2002–2005: member of the first Czech-German „Graduiertenkolleg“ Lebenswelten und Kommunikationsstrukturen in der mitteleuropäischen Gesellschaft vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert held by Charles University (Prague) and Universität des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken); founders: Prof. Miroslav Hroch and Prof. Richard van Dülmen, later heads: Prof. Miloš Havelka and Prof. Wolfgang Behringer

- 2003: completion of the title PhDr.

- 1997–2002: studies at the Faculty of Arts Prague (FFUK, major: History)

Work experience

- since 2023: Research Professor at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences

- since 2023: associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

- 2019–2021: chair of the evaluating panel P405 of the Czech Science Foundation (Vice-chair in 2018)

- since 2019: senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences

- 2012–2014: guest lectures in the international programme Erasmus Mundus – TEMA Master Course

- since 2008: lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University (FHS UK, Institute of Anthropology)

- since 2005: employed at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences

- 2001: employed in the Department of Manuscripts and Old Books, Library of the National Museum in Prague

International research grants and projects (last 10 years)

2024–(2026): participation in the project Representations of Rulers in Early Modern Literature from the Bohemian Lands and France (a bilateral mobility project between the Czech Academy of Sciences and École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)

2023–2025: participation in the ERC CZ project No. LL 2320: TOME – The Origins of Modern Encyclopaedism: Launching Evolutionary Metaphorology; senior researcher

2022–(2024): PI of the project Forms of Humanisms in the Czech Lands II financed by the Czech grant agency

2021–(2026): participation on the ERC Advanced grant TextDiveGlobal (Textuality and Diversity: A Literary History of Europe and its Global Connections, 1545-1659); a full project member in 2025–2026

2021–(2023): PI of the project Literary Representations of Early Modern Crisis in Central and North Eastern Europe between Czech and Estonian Academies of Sciences

2020 – 2022: participation in the project Historiam videre. Testimony, Experience and the Empirical Evidence in the Early Modern Historiography of the Bohemian Lands financed by the Czech grant agency

2019-2021: participation in the project Europa humanistica II: Editing and Translating Ancient Classics in the Czech lands at the Turn of the 16th Century

- 2019: guest editor of a thematic issue on Humanism of the journal Česká literatura (6/2019)

- 2016–2018: PI of the project Forms of Humanisms in the Czech Lands (1469–1622) financed by the Czech grant agency; a volume published with De Gruyters Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism II/1: The Czech lands

- March 2018: participation in the Training School EMLO on the road (Tallin)

- April 2016: participation in a design sprint Keywords and Text organized by the Huygens Institute NG – KNAW (Haag)

- 2014–2018: participation in the project COST Action IS1310 “Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500-1800: A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe’s intellectual history”

- April – June 2015: research stay at the Faculty of History, University of Oxford

- since 2015: PI of the Czech team within the international network “Europa humanistica” organized IRHT (Paris) and CESR (Tours)

- 2014–2018: participation in the project Mezi renesancí a barokem: Filosofie a vědění v českých zemích a jejich širší evropský kontext (Czech Grant agency, 14-37038 G, No. P401)

- March 2014: guest lecturer at the University of Foreign Studies Tokyo and Kyoto University within the project “Patria and citizenship in historical experience of European borderlands”


- June 2012: Otto Wichterle Prize for the best early stage scholars (awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

- January 2010: Bolzano Prize for the best PhD thesis in the field of humanities (awarded by the rector of Charles University in Prague)

Membership in professional organisations and editorial committees

since 2016: member of international learned society RSA (Renaissance Society of America)

- since 2014: member of international associations IANLS (International Association for Neo-Latin Studies)

- since 2010: member of editorial boards of Dějiny – teorie – kritika

- since 2010: member of international associations Egypt and Austria Verein

- since 2007: member of editorial boards of Acta Comeniana: International Review of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

Selected Bibliography (last 10 years)


- Vaculínová, M. – Storchová, L. – Slavíková, M. – Neškudla, B. – Podavka, O. – Králová, M., Bohemian Editors and Translators at the Turn of the 16th Century. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.

- Storchová, L. Řád přírody, řád společnosti: Adaptace melanchthonismu v českých zemích v polovině 16. století [The Order of Nature, the Order of Society: The Adaptation of Wittenberg knowledge in the Bohemian lands in the mid-16th-Century]. Praha: Scriptorium 2021.

- Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism: The Czech Lands. Vol. 2/ Part 1, ed. by Lucie Storchová. Berlin etc.: De Gruyter, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-11-064642-9.

- J. A. Comenii Opera omnia / Dílo J. A. Komenského 26/I: Korespondence. Část I, 1628–1638 / Epistulae. Pars I, 1628–1638. Praha: Academia, 2018. (participation on Annotations).

- Storchová, L. Bohemian School Humanism and its Editorial Practices (ca. 1550–1610). Turnhout: Brepols, 2014. (Europa Humanistica; Vol. 16.). ISBN 9782503551807.

- Storchová, L. a kol. Koncepty a dějiny: Proměny pojmů v současné historické vědě [History in Critical Concepts: Transformations of Contemporary Historiography]. Praha: Scriptorium, 2014. ISBN 978-80-87271-87-2.


- Creating a Nation through an Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry. Bohemians as a Community of Honour in the mid-16th Century. Daphnis - Zeitschrift für mittlere deutsche Literatur, 52, 3/4, 2024, pp. 459-492. 

- Labia tua maledicentiae et calumniae igne calent: Humanist Polemics and Invectives at the University of Prague from 1610 to 1620. Acta Comeniana: International Review of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History 36/LX (2022) [published in December 2023], pp. 57–103

- Fateful Periods: Routinisation of a Wittenberg Chronological and Eschatological Concept Within Bohemian University Humanism (c. 1550–1620). Central European Cultures 3 (2023), 1, pp. 38–64

- The Jewish War, God’s Wrath and ʻthe Most Unfortunate Peopleʼ: Representations of the Jews and Judaism in Late Sixteenth-Century Protestant Literature in the Bohemian Lands. Judaica Bohemiae, 57 (2022), 1 , pp. 5–31.

- Strategies for Adapting Knowledge: Melanchthon´s Natural Philosophy in the Czech Lands, 1540–1590. In Burton, S. J. G. - Baines, M. C. (eds.). Reformation and Education: Confessional Dynamics and Intellectual Transformations. Göttingen, 2022, pp. 177–207.

- Humanist Occasional Poetry and Strategies for Acquiring Patronage: The Case of a Court Physician Georg Handsch. In Dobalová, S. – Hausenblasová, J. (eds.). Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria: A second-Born Son in Renaissance Europe. Vienna: 2021, pp. 351–364.

- Rerum Boemicarum Ephemeris (1584) und die protestantische Geschichtsschreibung in den böhmischen Ländern: Zur Adaptation in einem multikonfessionellen Umfeld. Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte - Archive for Reformation History, 112/1 (2021), pp. 180–210.

- Terryfying unreason or a model of toleration? Imagining Islam in Fictional Travelogues of Václav Matěj Kramerius. In Tomorad, M. (ed.). Egypt and the Orient: The current research. Oxford – Zagreb, 2020, pp. 29–38.

- Conceptualising Asia, Africa and Europa in a Polemic on the Origin of Bohemians (1615–1617): Supranational Geographical Units and a Humanist Competition for ‘National Honour’. In Detering, N. – Marsico, C. – Walser-Bürgler, I. (eds.). Contesting Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Early Modern Discourses on Europe, 1400–1800. Brill, 2020, pp. 228–247.

- Building Bonds of Scholarly Love: Changing Rhetorical Strategies in Comenius's Correspondence during the 1630s. Acta Comeniana, 33 (2019), pp. 79–102.

- Adaptace pověsti o dívčí válce v české humanistické literatuře. Česká literatura, 6 (2019), pp. 849–875.

- Kreativní melanchthonismus: K limitům výzkumu kulturní výměny na příkladu univerzitního humanismu ve druhé polovině 16. století. [Creative Melanchthonism: The Limits of Cultural Exchange Research on the Example of University Humanism in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century]. Dějiny - teorie - kritika, 16 (2019), pp. 34–48.

- Dascalu, M. – Storchová, L. – Trausan-Matu, S. – Urbánek, V. Natural Language Processing: Shifting Rhetorical Strategies in Comenius’s Correspondence with Three Separate Communities. In Hotson, H. – Wallnig, T. (eds.). Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age: Standards, Systems, Scholarship. Göttingen, 2019, pp. 428–432.

- Melanchthonský koncept tzv. osudových period u Martina Rakovského a českých humanistů. [Melanchthon´s "fatal periods" reapplied: The case of Martin Rakovský and Bohemian humanists]. In Frimmová, E. – Kohútová, M. Reformácie a jej dôsledky na Slovensku. Bratislava – Krakow – Trnava: 2018, pp. 121–147.

- Early Modern Knowledge of the Islamic Orient: Experience and Intertextuality in Bohemian Travel Accounts (16th-17th centuries). In Czerny, E. (ed.). In Search of the Orient. Krakow, 2018, p. 299–312.

- Vzdálený Blízký východ v Harantově putování. In Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic. Putování aneb Cesta z Království českého do Benátek a odtud po moři do země Svaté, země judské a dále do Egypta a velikého města Kairu. Sv. II. Praha – Brno: Host, 2017, pp. 416–423. [Česká knižnice.]. ISBN 978-80-7491-942-8.

- Bezženství kněské?: Polemika o manželství kněží mezi Adamem Klementem Plzeňským a Vojtěchem Scipionem Berličkou (1615–1617). [Bezženství kněské?: A Polemic on the Marriage of Priests between Adam Klemens Plzeňský and Vojtěch Scipio Berlička (1615–1617).] In Řezníková, L. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Ex definitione: Pansofické pojmy J. A. Komenského a jejich dobové kontexty: Studie Martinu Steinerovi. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, pp. 181–210. [Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích; 16.]. ISBN 978-80-7007-504-3.

- "The tempting girl, I know so well”: Representations of Gout and the Self-Fashioning of Bohemian Humanist Scholars. Early Science and Medicine, 21 (2016), 6, pp. 511–530.

- Presenting the Other in Jiří and Růžena Baums´parallel travel journals from South Africa (1938–39). In Hudáková, L. – Hudec, J. (eds.). Egypt and Austria IX: Perception of the Orient in Central Europe (1800–1918). Krakow, 2016, pp. 311–324. ISBN 978-83-7490-932-7.

- Visualizing Near East in Bohemian Travel Accounts of the Early Modern Period. In Jůnová Macková, A. – Storchová, L. – Jůn, L. (eds.). Vizualizing the Orient: Central Europe and the Near East in the 19th and 20th centuries. Prague: FAMU, 2016, pp. 61–83.

- Čapská, V. – Storchová, L. Transkulturalita místo národní mytologie? : Historický výzkum procesů kulturní výměny. History - Theory - Criticism, 2015, 2, pp. 187–201.

- "Till now I have been thinking only of study and work": Gender, Orient and Authorial Self-Presentations in the Travel Memoirs of Vlasta Kálalová Di Lotti. In Lazar, I. (ed.). Egypt and Austria VIII: Meetingpoint Egypt. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, 2015, pp. 183–199.

- The "Apostle" of Renaissance Humanism in Moravia? Re-Figuring Augustinus Olomucensis in Modern Czech Historiography. In Ekler, P. – Kiss, F. G. (eds.). Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis. Budapest, 2015, pp. 149–156.

- „Zemi i pracovitým lidem jsou za břemeno." Alterita a biopolitika ve fiktivních cestopisech Václava Matěje Krameria. In Hrabal, J. (ed.). Fenomén cestopisu v literatuře a umění střední Evropy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2015, pp. 119–147.

- Od praxe k příběhu: Nacionální narativizace Komenského na přelomu 18. a 19. století. In Řezníková, L. a kol. Figurace paměti: J. A. Komenský v kulturách vzpomínání 19. a 20. století. Praha: 2014, pp. 25–54.

- „Předchůdce rozumné emancipace pohlaví ženského a dělnictva“? K absenci ambivalentních a polyvalentních forem vzpomínání na Komenského v textech českých emancipačních hnutí druhé poloviny 19. století. In Řezníková, L. a kol. Figurace paměti: J. A. Komenský v kulturách vzpomínání 19. a 20. století. Praha: 2014, pp. 161–175.

- The Role of (Trans)National (Meta)Narratives in Representations of Cultural Transfers: The Case of European and Bohemian Renaissance Humanism(s). In Čapská, V. et al. Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe, 1200–1800. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2014, pp. 35–75.

- "Die Ägypter wussten Ihre Köpfe zu gebrauchen!" Orientalische Alterität in den fiktiven Reisebeschreibungen von Václav Matěj Kramerius (1802–1808). In Born, R. – Lemmen, S. (Hg.). Orientalismen in Ostmitteleuropa: Diskurse, Akteure und Disziplinen vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2014, pp. 147–186.

- Vědecké reprezentace renezančního humanismu a utváření kolektivních kulturních identit. [Scholary Representations of Renaissance Humanism and Making of Cultural Identities.]. Česká literatura, 62 (2014), 2, pp. 276–286. ISSN 0009-0468.

Poslední změna: 26. únor 2025 10:39 
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