prof. Walter A. Lorenz, Ph.D., MA, CQSW

Oborové zaměření

komparativní historie sociální práce v Evropě, tvorba a vývoj evropské sociální politiky, srovnávání kurikul a modelů profesního vzdělávání v oblasti evropské sociální práce

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Od 1. listopadu 2017 se stává zaměstnancem FHS UK, působícím na Katedře řízení a supervize v sociálních a zdravotních organizacích, nyní programu Řízení a supervize v soc. a zdrav. organizacích Prof. Walter A. Lorenz, PhD, MA, CQSW. Prof. W. A. Lorenz na FHS UK přichází z Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, kterou vedl v letech 2006 – 2016.

Prof. W. A. Lorenz je koeditorem a zakladatelem European Journal of Social Work (Taylor and Francis), členem redakční rady Qualitative Social Work, Research and Practice (Sage Publications), spoluzakladatel a člen redakční rady Social Work and Society a koeditor Contemporary Social Work Studies.

Od roku 1978 do 2001 vyučoval v National University of Ireland, University College Cork. Od roku 2001 do roku 2017 působil ve Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

K jeho posledním odborným publikacím patří:

Lorenz, W. (2023). Social work in the post-COVID-19 era. In: S. A. Webb, The Routledge Handbook of International Critical Social Work. pp. 671-682. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-032-07888-5.

Lorenz, W. (2022). The contribution of social work to the reconstruction of post-Covid societies. In: P. Alexandre e Castro (Ed.). The Social World after Covid-19. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing,   pp138-153. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-9108-0

Havrdová, Z., Rŭžiĉka & Lorenz, W. (2022). Mezi praktǐckou reflexí u sociálních pracovníků a všeobecnŷch sester (Between practical and dialogic reflection in social workers and general practice nurses). Sociální práce / Sociálna práca. (Czech and Slovak Social Work). 22 (5), pp. 92- 106. ISSN 1213-6204.

Plagg, B.; Engl, A.; Piccoliori, G.; Atz, H.; Becker, U.; Kiem, J.; Barbieri, V.; Eisendle, K.; Wiedermann, C.J.; Elsen, S.U.; Lorenz, W.A. (2022). Mutual Role Expectations by Patients and General Practitioners—A Mixed Methods Study on Complementarity. Healthcare 10 (10): 2101.

Lorenz, W. (2022). Making Societies Social Again After the Crisis. In: Tan, N.T., Shajahan, P. (Eds.) Remaking Social Work for the New Global Era. Cham: Springer. Pp.163-179

Eibicht, M.Č., Lorenz, W. (2022). Reflective Ethical Decision-Making Process for Advancing Social Work. In: Tan, N.T., Shajahan, P. (Eds.) Remaking Social Work for the New Global Era. Cham: Springer. Pp. 129-141

Lorenz, W. (2022). Social policy frameworks and their impact

on reflectivity. In: Z. Havrdová (Ed.). Conference Proceedings “Enhancing reflexivity at the workplace” June 24, 2022. Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. Pp. 13-26. ISBN 978-80-7571-098-7.

Lorenz, W. (2022). Final observations on conference “Enhancing reflexivity at the workplace “. In: Z. Havrdová (Ed.). Conference Proceedings “Enhancing reflexivity at the workplace” June 24, 2022. Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. Pp. 104-109. ISBN 978-80-7571-098-7.

Aluffi Pentini, A. & Lorenz, W. (2022). The voice of young people in shaping future youth policies: towards a paradigm shift. In: V.B. Nielsen, P. Malin, I. Julkunen & L. Uggerhøj (Eds.). Social Work, Social Welfare, Unemployment and Vulnerability Among Youth. London: Routledge.Pp. 127-141. ISBN: 987-0-367-56208-3. https.//

Plagg, B.; Piccoliori, G.; Engl, A.; Wiedermann, C.J.; Mahlknecht, A.; Barbieri, V.; Ausserhofer, D.; Koler, P.; Tauber, S.; Lechner, M.; Lorenz, W.A.; Conca, A.; Eisendle, K. (2022). Disaster Response in Italian Nursing Homes: A Qualitative Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Geriatrics, 7 (2), 32.

Lorenz, W. (2022) “Pandemics and Social Work.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Ed. Edward J. Mullen. New York: Oxford University Press, Pandemics and Social Work - Social Work - Oxford Bibliographies

Čajko Eibicht, M., Lorenz, W.  & Havrdová, Z. (2021). Enhancing reflectivity in social, care and health professionals – identifying students’ abilities and needs, European Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2021.2016644

Lorenz, W. (2021). European Dimensions of Social Work Education: Optional or Essential? In: Susanne Elsen, Urban Nothdurfter, Andrea Nagy, Claudia Lintner, &  Laura Trott (Eds.). Social work in a border region. Bozen / Bolzano: Bozen University Press. Pp. 7-22. DOI:10.13124/9788860461889_1_1

ISBN: 978-88-6046-187-2

Lorenz. W. (2021). Social work – Europe  - the Corona Crisis: which way forward? In: F. W. Seibel, A. Schneider & A. Thimmel (Eds.). Soziale Arbeit – Begegnung mit Grenzen. Social Work – The Encounter with Borders (pp. 318-332). Frankfurt: Wochenschau Verlag.  ISBN 978-3-7344-1309-7

Lorenz, W. (2021). Current developments and challenges facing social work education in Europe. In: M. Laging & N. Žganec (Eds.). Social Work Education in Europe – Traditions and Transformations. (pp. 1 – 17). Cham: Springer Nature. DOI. 10.1007/978-3-030-69701-3  

ISBN 978-3-030-69701-3.

Lorenz, W. (2020). Costruire ponti tramite il Servizio Sociale Internazionale. La Rivista Di Servizio Sociale, 1(1), 30–46. ISSN : 0035-652.

Lorenz, W. & Hamburger, F. (2020). Honouring Hans-Uwe Otto, European Journal of Social Work, DOI:


Aluffi Pentini, A. & Lorenz, W. (2020). The Corona crisis and the erosion of ‘the social’ – giving a decisive voice to the social professions, European Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1783215

Lorenz, W., Havrdová, Z., & Matoušek, O. (Eds.) (2020). European social work after 1989: East-West exchanges between universal principles and cultural sensitivity. Cham: Springer. ISBN/EAN: 9783030458119.

Lorenz, W. (2020). 1989 as a Key Moment in the Development of International Dimensions of Social Work. In: Lorenz, W., Havrdová, Z., & Matoušek, O. (Eds.). European social work after 1989: East-West exchanges between universal principles and cultural sensitivity. Pp. 1-15. Cham: Springer. ISBN/EAN: 9783030458119.

Lorenz, W., Havrdová, Z., & Matoušek, O. (2020). Conclusions: Cultural Diversity and Core Principles and Values in Social Work. In: Lorenz, W., Havrdová, Z., & Matoušek, O. (Eds.). European social work after 1989: East-West exchanges between universal principles and cultural sensitivity. Pp. 195-202. Cham: Springer. ISBN/EAN: 9783030458119.

Lorenz, W. (2020). Európai szociális munka - univerzális alapelvek és kulturális érzékenység (konferencia előadás) (European Social Work – between universal principles and cultural sensitivity).. Párbeszéd: Szociális Munka folyóirat, 7(1).

Lorenz, W. A., Fargion, S., Nothdurfter, U., Nagy, A., Berger, E., Rainer, S., & Frei, S. (2020). Negotiating Quality for Social Work: A Participatory Research Project in South Tyrol. Research on Social Work Practice.

Kessl, F., Lorenz, W., Otto, H.-U. and White, S. (eds.) (2020). European Social Work – a Compendium.. Opladen / Berlin / Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers. ISBN 978-3-8474-0147-6.

Kessl, F., Lorenz, W., Otto, H.-U. and White, S. (eds.) (2020). European Social Work – an Introduction to the Compendium. In Kessl, F., Lorenz, W., Otto, H.-U. and White, S. (eds.). European Social Work – a Compendium. (pp. 9-20). Opladen / Berlin / Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Lorenz, W. & Maurer, S. (2020), Civil Society, Self-Organisation and Resistance. In Kessl, F., Lorenz, W., Otto, H.-U. and White, S. (eds.). European Social Work – a Compendium (pp. 83-100). Opladen / Berlin / Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Labonté-Roset, C. & Lorenz, W. (2018), Europäische Dimensionen der Sozialen Arbeit: Die Rolle der Hochschulen. In: B. Wilke, C. Gedschold, H. Herb (eds.), Von der Armenpflege zum Sozialstaat und zur Zivilgesellschaft. 125 Jahre DZI. Berlin: Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen. ISBN: 978-3-946511-01-4.

Lorenz, W. (2018), Social work and the search for meaning under conditions of modernity. Fórum Sociální Práce; Social Work Forum, 10; 2, pp 40-48, ISSN: 2336-6664

Lorenz, W. & Shaw, I. (eds.) (2017), Private Troubles or Public Issues? Challenges for Social Work Research. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 13: 978-1-138-63392-6

Shaw, I. & Lorenz, W. (2017), Introduction: Private troubles or public issues? Challenges for social work research. In Lorenz, W. & Shaw, I. (eds.), Private Troubles or Public Issues? Challenges for Social Work Research. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-4. ISBN 13: 978-1-138-63392-6

Lorenz, W. (2017), Internationalität im Studium und in der Praxis Sozialer Arbeit. In P. Schäfer, O. Burkova, H. Hoffmann, M. Laging & L. Stock (eds.), 100 Jahre Fachbereichstag Soziale Arbeit – Vergangenheit deuten, Gegenwart verstehen, Zukunft gestalten. Opladen: B. Budrich, pp. 159-172. ISBN 978-3-8474-2136-8.

Lorenz, W. (2017). Diversities and patterns in social work and research in advanced welfare states. In Kjeld Hogsbro, Ian F Shaw (eds.). Social Work and Research in Advanced Welfare States. London: Routledge, pp. 19 – 30. eBook ISBN 9781315279015.

Lorenz, W. (2017). Social work education in Europe: towards 2025,

European Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2017.1314938

Lorenz, W.  (2017) European policy developments and their impact on social work, European Journal of Social Work, 20:1, 17-28, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2016.1185707

Fargion, S., Frei, S. & Lorenz, W. (eds.) (2016) L’intervento sociale tra gestione del rischio e partecipazione. Roma: Carocci. ISBN: 978-88-430-7646-8

Fargion, S. & Lorenz, W. (2016) Due richerche, un progetto. In S. Fargion, S. Frei,  & W. Lorenz, (eds.) (2016) L’intervento sociale tra gestione del rischio e partecipazione. Roma: Carocci. pp. 13 – 31. ISBN: 978-88-430-7646-8

Lorenz, W. (2016) Reaching the person—social work research as professional

Responsibility. European Journal of Social Work, 19:3-4, 455-467. Doi: 10.1080/13691457.2015.1137870

Lorenz, W. (2016) Rediscovering the social question. European Journal of Social Work, vol. 19 (1) pp. 4-17. DOI:10.1080/13691457.2015.1082984

Lorenz, W. (2015), The Treatment of Childhood. In Waterhouse L., Mcghee J, Challenging Child Protection – New Directions in safeguarding Children, London and Philadelphia, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp.20-33. ISBN 978-1-84905-395-2

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