Dr. phil. habil. Hans Rainer Sepp, mimořádný profesor Univerzity Karlovy

Dr. phil. habil. Hans Rainer SEPP, Adjunct Professor at Charles University

Department of Philosophy

Research Areas

  • His specialities are theories of knowing in overlapping areas of philosophy, science, religion, and art in intercultural respects, esp. concerning European and Asian philosophies.

  • He is currently dealing with a renewed phenomenology of the human body that intends the establishing of an interdisciplinary as well intercultural oikological philosophy.


See SIS.

Contact Information and Office Hours

See SIS.

Work Experience

  • 2014–present: Active member of the Research Institution Orfeo – Sound Picture Letter, University of Verona, Italy

  • 2009–present: Co-director of the Central-European Institute of Philosophy (www.sif-praha.cz), ASCR and Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

  • 2006–present: Active member of the Research Institution Group Weimar, Sorbonne, Paris

  • 2004–present: Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

  • 2002–present: Member of the Executive Committee of Organization of Phenomenological Organizations (O.P.O.)

  • 2004–2014: Director of the Eugen Fink-Archive, Pedagogical University Freiburg, Germany

  • 1996–2004: Fellow at Jan Patočka-Archive / Centrum fenomenologických bádání (CTS), Prague, and Lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy, Charles University

  • 1982–1996: Fellow at the Husserl-Archive, University of Freiburg, Germany


  • 2005: Habilitation in philosophy (Technical University of Dresden, Germany)

  • 1992: Ph.D. in philosophy (Ludwig Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany)

  • 1980: Magister Artium in philosophy (Ludwig Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany)

Stays Abroad (Visiting Professorships)

  • 2017: University of Wuppertal, Germany

  • 2015: University of Kassel, Germany

  • 2010: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands

  • 2010: University of Gent, Belgium

  • 2009: Universidad de Morelia de Michoacan, México

  • 2009: Chinese University Hong Kong

  • 2006: University of Bolzano, Italy

  • 2001: Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan

  • 1993: St. Petersburg School for Religion and Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia

  • 1992, 1993: Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc, Czech Republic


  • 2018: Husserl-Prize (German Society of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics)

  • 2016: Festschrift on occasion of the 60th birthday anniversary (published: Kontexte des Leiblichen, ed. K. Novotný, C. Nielsen, Th. Nenon, Nordhausen 2016)

  • 2012: Husserl Lecture (Husserl-Archive at the University of Leuven / Belgium)

  • 2005: Festschrift on occasion of the 50th birthday anniversary (published in two volumes, Prague 2005 und 2006)

Grants (selection)

  • 2015–2017: (Central European Institute of Philosophy, Prague): Research project “Life and Environment. Phenomenological Relations between Subjectivity and Natural World”. – Czech Science Agency.

  • 2009–2014: (Central European Institute of Philosophy, Prague): Research project “Philosophical Investigations of Body Experiences: Transdisciplinary Perspectives”. – Czech Science Agency.

  • 2005: (Eugen Fink-Archive, Freiburg): Archive project: “Systematische Erfassung des wissenschaftlichen Nachlasses von Eugen Fink”. – Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg.

  • 2002–2004: (Centrum fenomenologických bádaní, Prague) Research project: “Phänomen Europa”, in cooperation with the University of Mainz, Germany. – Volkswagen-Stiftung.

  • 1998–2001: (Centrum fenomenologických bádaní, Prague) Research project: “Ausbau des Jan Patocka-Archivs in Prag zu einem Zentrum für Phänomenologische Forschung”, in cooperation with the University of Freiburg. – Volkswagen-Stiftung.

  • 1994–1997: Research Project “Editions of Philosophical Primary Texts in Russian (Husserl, Heideg¬ger) on the Basis of New Conceptions of Translation”. – INTAS, EU Bruxelles).

Further Activities

  • In 2011 he founded the book series libri nigri and libri virides, and in 2014 the book series Ad Fontes. Studies in Early Phenomenology.

  • With Joachim Fischer, Ada Neschke, and Gérard Raulet he edits the book series Phänomenologische Anthropologie – Themen und Positionen (2008–).

  • He also edits the Eugen Fink Gesamtausgabe in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Mainz (2006–).

  • Together with Kah Kyung Cho and Yoshihiro Nitta he founded the book series Orbis Phaenomenologicus (1993–)

  • With Karl-Heinz Lembeck and Ernst Wolfgang Orth he edited the book series Phänomenologie Texte und Kontexte (1997–2001).

  • He is also member of about 35 advisory boards of journals and organisations and organized about 70 international conferences and workshops.

Publications (selection)

Book monographs

  • Leben. Phänomenologie der Epoché II [in preparation, 2019]

  • In. Grundrisse der Oikologie [in preparation, 2019]

  • Philosophie der imaginären Dinge, 2017

  • Über die Grenze. Prolegomena zu einer Theorie der Transkulturalität, 2014

  • Bild. Phänomenologie der Epoché I, 2012

  • Praxis und Theoría. Husserls transzendentalphänomenologische Rekonstruktion des Lebens, 1997

Common monographs

  • with Veronika Teryngerová: Ethics in Politics?, 2018

  • with B. Beckmann-Zöller: Edith Stein, „Freiheit und Gnade“ und weitere Beiträge zu Phänomenologie und Ontologie (1917-1937) (Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe, vol. 9), 2014

  • with A. Tonkli-Komel: Genealogies, 2013

  • with C. Nielsen: Welt denken. Annäherungen an die Kosmologie Eugen Finks, 2011

  • with A. Neschke: Language and Acquisition of Knowledge, 2011

  • with H.-B. Gerl-Falkovitz and R. Kaufmann: Die Bildung Europas, 2011

  • with Burkhard Liebsch and Andreas Hetzel: Profile negativistischer Sozialphilosophie. Ein Kompendium, 2011

  • with Dermot Moran: Selected Essays from Northern Europe: Traditions, Transitions, and Challenges, 2011

  • with H. Blaschek-Hahn: Heinrich Rombach. Strukturontologie – Bildphilosophie – Hermetik, 2010

  • with A. Wilder¬muth: Konzepte des Phänomenalen: Heinrich Barth – Eugen Fink – Jan Patočka, 2010

  • with L. Embree: Hand¬book of Pheno¬menological Aesthetics, 2010

  • with H.-B. Gerl-Falkovitz and R. Kaufmann: Europa und seine Anderen. Emmanuel Levinas, Edith Stein, Józef Tischner, 2010

  • with C. Nielsen: Eugen Fink, Spiel als Weltsymbol, 2010

  • with H.-B. Gerl-Falkovitz, S. Gottlöber, and R. Kaufmann: Europäische Menschenbilder, 2009

  • with A. Neschke: Philosophische An¬thropologie. Ursprünge und Aufgaben, 2008

  • with D. Gottstein: Polis und Kosmos. Perspektiven einer Philosophie des Politischen und einer Philosophischen Kosmologie, 2008

  • with I. Copoeru: Phenomenology 2005, vol. II: Selected Essays from the Euro-Mediterra¬nean Area and vol. V: Selected Essays from the Northern Europe, Bucharest 2007

  • with J. Trinks: Phänomenalität des Kunst¬werks, 2006

  • with I. Yamaguchi: Leben als Phänomen. Die Freiburger Phänomenolo¬gie im Ost-West-Dialog, 2006

  • with J. Brejdak, R. Esterbauer, and S. Rinofner-Kreidl: Phänomenologie und System¬theorie, 2006

  • with L. Hagedorn: Andere Wege in die Moderne. Forschungsbeiträge zu Jan Patočkas Genealo¬gie der Neuzeit, 2006

Poslední změna: 9. září 2024 11:05 
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